The CookingBites recipe challenge: oranges


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
10:49 PM
Ohio, US
Welcome to the CookingBites recipe challenge. The current challenge ingredient is oranges* and TastyReuben is our judge. To enter, all you need to do is post a recipe** which uses oranges, tag it cookingbites recipe challenge and post a link to it in this thread. The winner becomes the judge for the next challenge. You may post up to 6 entries. Deadline: midnight (close of day) Sunday 5th February 2023 UK time (GMT). Detailed challenge rules can be found here.

* including tangerines, clementines, and mandarins.
** recipes must be posted within the time frame of the challenge but could be recipes you have made in the past, so long as they haven't already been posted on the forum as a recipe thread.
To get things rolling, here are some "fun facts" about oranges (via the internet):

1. Oranges originated in Southeast Asia, but are now grown around the world
2. Oranges are a hybrid of pomelo and mandarin
3. An orange tree is an evergreen and has a lifespan of around 50 years
4. Brazil produces more oranges than any other country
5. Oranges turn green as they ripen, not the other way round (like many other fruits and vegetables)

Personally, I love oranges and just about anything that's orange-flavored (cakes, salad dressings, sauces, jams, sherbet, etc.), so I'm really looking forward to some "a-peel-ing" entries from everyone!
Well then here’s my first entry! Orange Chicken.

Orange Chicken

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TastyReuben, can we include tangerines, clementines, mandarins? Well the latter are a type of orange anyway...

Clementines are a hybrid between willowleaf mandarin orange and sweet orange.
I love tangerines but they are hard to find around here anymore. :(
When we were at the grocery yesterday, i mentioned to Craig that we hadn't seen any blood oranges this year. December and January, into February are the time they are in season. If anybody sees them, give them a try as they are a bit sweeter and less acidy than navels. Try and get the ones that are showing a good bit of red on the peel as they will be more red inside.

Old pic, but a good one of blood oranges bottom center.

2021-03-11 12.18.27.jpg
A few non-culinary uses for our little balls of sunshine:

1. Use dried orange peels as firestarters.
2. Use dried orange peels and coffee grounds as a cat deterrent in your landscaping.
3. Rub fresh orange peels over your skin as an all-natural mosquito repellent.
4. Simmer orange peels on the stove, along with some spices like cinnamon and clove, to give your house a beautiful scent.
5. Clean scorched pots and pans by boiling orange peels, then let it sit before washing. The house will smell great, too.
I’ll post this here as well, having a sumo mandarin:


People are talking about egg prices…these things are $3US/each right now. :eek:



SatNavSaysStraightOn - you can see how I peel the membrane off (as best I can; this variety has a very thin, almost nonexistent membrane), and what I’m left with.

Now, excuse me, everyone, as I follow the advice of a previous post and rub those peels all over my body…strictly as a mosquito repellent, mind you…what’s that? There aren’t any mosquitoes in Ohio in January? See, it’s working already! :laugh:
Oooh, I have an idea for this! Will have to see if I can get it made sometime over the next couple weeks.
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