Do you eat quickly or slowly?

My mum ALWAYS complains about not getting enough to eat when she goes out to events

I think that people who complain of not getting enough to eat are those who tend to eat quickly. Because they finish their meal so quickly, they feel that they want to have another serving. With slow eaters, on the other hand, they feel satisfied sooner because of the fact that they take their time to eat.
I take my food slowly. Chewing food slowy helps improve digestion. It is also a tradition in our family to have a small talk during meals thus we slowly eat our food.
I eat way too fast. Always have. There are times when I consciously have tried to slow down (especially when the food is so delicious & not so plentiful) but it's force of habit at this point. I'm not sure I will ever change.
When it comes to eating, do you usually finish your meal quickly or are you more inclined to take your time?

I am a fairly slow eater. Everyone else usually finishes their meal before I do, and it happens every time. it always amazes me how anyone could eat so quickly. I also tend to enjoy my meal more when I take my time with it.

I wonder if the way we eat, whether quickly or slowly, affects how the food is metabolized. I believe it does. It may also have an effect on the digestion of the food.
I use to be a fast eater, but since I became aware of the important of eating slowly, I took heed. Your food should almost be liquid like before you swallow it. This is very important for the digestive system to break all the food down.
i would like to, infact I want to, take time over my meal. I would love it to be honest. But I cant. I always finish first. If i stop to chew I feel.wierd
Unless I'm talking to someone I generally eat pretty quickly. I wouldn't say I wolf down the food as if I was rushed, I simply eat efficiently and get done so I can move on with other things I want to be doing.
Very quickly. Just a habit of mine, always been like that and always will be. It's great when in a hurry but not so amazing when having dinner with friends who eat SLOOOOWLY. :D

I am glad I am not alone still we are going to have to slow it down a bit. I thought I'd look this up even though I am sure I had heard, it's really not the recommended thing. Sure enough there is all this information telling us we setting ourselves up for some health issues by eating too quickly. One reading mentions weight gain. If that it really true, I think I'm going to have to try MUCH harder. This link I will share has some toughies for me as it honestly can drive me crazy watching someone eat slowly. This reading recommends I find that slow eater and mirror their eating time. Really?
I am a very fast eater... I have always been like that and it's something I have tried to change but no success. I sometimes will start policing myself and how i'm eating, I'll take breaths before eating, will chew more... but that will last maybe a couple meals before going back to my old eating habits!
I eat slowly. Extremely slowly. Painstakingly slowly. It's not even because I want to savor my food -- it's because, well, I'm never in the mood for the food I'm eating! The only times that I eat at an "acceptable" pace for those around me is when I have junk food, and I gave that up a long time ago. It tends to bother my siblings and cousins, as they're always confused by this - and it seems to concern my older familial members and best friends because they automatically assume that something's wrong with me (even though they probably should've understood this by now).

Is anyone else like this?? Have you figured it out?? Do you maybe have a theory as to why I'm like this with my food?

It's a bit odd, I know :laugh:

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I think it depends on the food. I'm not going to eat something like a cheeseburger I got at a fast food resteraunt slowly. It wasn't made to be consumed in this type of manner; I'm going to eat it quickly as is it's genres name sake. As for something like a fine soup at a fancy restaurant, I tend to eat it slowly and observe the flavors and hard work that went into making it.
I eat really fast. It's a learned thing based on necessity. When I was young, I had 2 sets of back to back babies - meaning set one was a year apart and set two was a year and a half apart. It was like having 2 sets of twins. Anyway, if I wanted to eat at all, back in those days, I had to eat quick because whatever mom has, they want!
I eat very fast. I tried slowing down, but I can't do it. I am constantly shoveling food in my mouth when I eat. Lol
I would say I'm overall a pretty slow eater. If I am at a table having a meal with others, I'm often the one lagging behind everyone else who has already finished. In saying that though, sometimes it does depend on how hungry I am. If I'm absolutely ravenous, sometimes I just about inhale my food - one minute you see it and the next it's gone!
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