Do you eat quickly or slowly?

I used to eat really fast when I was younger which was probably one of the reasons why I was overweight- because I consumed more food in a shorter amount of time, it takes longer for the brain to process how much I've actually eaten so we keep having that 'hungry' feeling.
However, I now like to eat at a slower pace (not so slow obviously, I don't want my food to get cold) so that I can enjoy the taste of the food more and be able to have more control over the amount I eat. Sometimes, when I'm really hungry I have this urge to eat really fast but I squash it out by drinking at least half a glass of water before my meal.
When it comes to eating, do you usually finish your meal quickly or are you more inclined to take your time?

I am a fairly slow eater. Everyone else usually finishes their meal before I do, and it happens every time. it always amazes me how anyone could eat so quickly. I also tend to enjoy my meal more when I take my time with it.

I wonder if the way we eat, whether quickly or slowly, affects how the food is metabolized. I believe it does. It may also have an effect on the digestion of the food.

I eat slow, but not too slow. Over the years, I've learned a little bit about the digestive system. I learned that as we chew, saliva helps to break the food down and prepares the food to enter the esophagus. This first step is important and makes it easier for the other parts of our body to do their part. When I learned about this, I started to slow down and chew my food to allow the saliva to do its part. I heard that meats should be chewed about thirty times, and softer foods should be chewed at least five times. I've found that learning more about how my body functions helps me decide how to treat it.
I know slowly is good for our health. It's said that eat slowly can help us to better digest the food.
But! I love quickly~ it can make me feel happy. There is nothing more important than enjoy eating food!
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