Eating it raw

My Romanian cousin...

Bit surprised at the response to admitting having eaten raw beetroot. So I'm wondering, am I alone in eating raw vegetables, once cleaned. The only other one that I'm thinking may be classed as odd/unusual is onions.

I'm not going to allow eating carrot sticks, as they were a health fad a few years ago. What vegetables have you eaten raw? Own up!
It seems that I'm on my own when it comes to eating raw vegetables, that have only been cleaned. That or others don't want to admi to it.

Like, peeling an onion and eating it.
I have eaten most of the veggies raw as I am keen to glean all the nutrients. That includes beets, celery and carrots. The list is long, but the one I did not like was blended raw cabbage.
I eat virtually all veg raw.
Onions are normal raw or cooked.
Mushrooms I love raw (except the would ones which need to be cooked in order not to be poisonous)
Beans, peas, pea shoots, cucumber, peppers, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower I routinely eat raw. Celery is another. Runner beans, broad beans,

Aubergine, sweetcorn/corn on the cob and potatoes I don't eat raw though.
I suppose fennel is usually but not always cooked as well.

Name some more and I'll let you know.
Parsnips, carrots, onions(not spring), sprouts?
Parsnips, carrots, onions(not spring), sprouts?
carrots are in my list. spring onions always raw. I have never cooked them. Onions are also in my list as raw. Sprouts I can do raw but prefer al dente. Parsnips I have not had raw, but I am not a fan of them cooked so it hasn't occurred to me to try them raw. Beetroot was fine raw.
I eat tomatoes raw. They're kinda sweet and offers a good flavor even without dressings and such. I can eat carrots and celery raw but they don't taste as good if there's no dip. I secretly eat some lettuces raw after I've washed them and I feel like a goat afterwards. LOL
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