Preparing for Christmas

We finally got round to putting the tree up:
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Now comes the part I hate. Buying Xmas presents for my wife. This usually involves my spending 10 hours a day feverishly combing every single shopping mall in Caracas, trying hopelessly to find something that (a) catches my eye (b) might possibly be something she likes and (c) costs less than $6,000.
She doesn't read, so the easy option is out. She's got a new I phone. Any clothes I've ever bought her are either too big, too small, wrong colour, wrong style, wrong material, wrong brand, out of date, too avant-garde, etc. She's got 4,000 pairs of shoes and 10,000 handbags, but I can only buy more if they're made by Gucci, Versace, Balenciaga, Dolce & Gabbana, etc. Then of course, she won't like the colour.
This is definitely the most stressful time of the year for me, roaming around malls (that I only go to when I need something specific) and wasting entire days looking through windows.

I get her a $100 hair voucher and she spends a hundy on me also. I dont do shopping.
I could get anything?
Early afternoon pic xmas day of me and 3 grandson dressed In black shorts and black singlets.
I'll post when I do.

Today’s advent cheese is a new one for me - mimolette.
It should look like this. Does it??
Well…the carpaccio is right out, as are the scallops. The salad…I like beets, but not the rest of it, and I don’t want to waste my choice on Jerusalem artichoke, which I’ve not had, so I’d rather try that when it’s not a special occasion meal.

So…soup it is! 🥣
I have a funny story about Jerusalem artichoke!

Many years ago, a good friend of mine was having a potluck birthday party. Husband and I attended, despite the fact that it was quite a drive to get there.

One of the items was something that looked like mashed potatoes. I had a big serving. It wasn’t mashed potatoes, but it was good, so I ate all of it.

Turned out it was jerusalem artichoke. For those who don’t know, jerusalem artichoke can have gastrointestinal consequences for those who are not used to eating it. Let’s just say it’s not nicknamed “fartichoke” for no reason.

Husband was trapped in the car with me for the 2-1/2 hour drive home. It’s a minor miracle we’re still married.
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I have a funny story about Jerusalem artichoke!

Many years ago, a good friend of mine was having a potluck birthday party. Husband and I attended, despite the fact that it was quite a drive to get there.

One of the items was something that looked like mashed potatoes. I had a big serving. It wasn’t mashed potatoes, but it was good, so I ate all of it.

Turned out it was jerusalem artichoke. For those who don’t know, jerusalem artichoke can have gastrointestinal consequences for those who are not used to eating it. Let’s just say it’s not nicknamed “fartichoke” for no reason.

Husband was trapped in the car with me for the 2-1/2 hour drive home. It’s a minor miracle we’re still married.

This morning we're in Sainsburys just after 8am, shelves were fully stocked and not too busy. All we need to sort now is veggies at the end of the week. Never been shopping that early before but we were both wide awake so why not get it done and over with.
A change of plans here.
My Gal Pal and her husband got Covid and her Mister is real sick, so she won't be spending that day with anyone.
My Mom and her Mom (we loving call them The Two Moms) both live in the same Senior Community and there will be a Christmas Day Luncheon.
We invited her Mom to join us three, as well Mr&Mrs Next Door Neighbors, they are all by themselves here, no family nearby, so ... They've never been to the Senior Community, we'll show them `round the joint and have some buffet.
We’re currently watching a Ray Coniff Singers TV special from 1965. I don’t know when I’ve seen so many sweaters and turtlenecks in one room in my life. I’ve caught about a third of them here:


There were about 30 people on the show, and I captured all the diversity on display. :laugh:

The weirdest part, though, was a little puppet show they had. One was done with a Frosty the Snowman theme, and the other a Santa theme. Thing is, each one featured some truly violent gophers.

In the Frosty bit, for no reason, the gophers jumped on Frosty repeatedly until they got him down on the ground, then they jumped on him some more until Frosty fought back, beating them with his broom until they ran off.

Next, Santa came down the gophers’ chimney, left them a present under their tree while they pretended to be asleep, then as he was going back up the chimney, they leapt after him, pulled him back down, beat the living crap out of him, put him in their bed unconscious, and opened their gift.

We’re currently watching a Ray Coniff Singers TV special from 1965. I don’t know when I’ve seen so many sweaters and turtlenecks in one room in my life. I’ve caught about a third of them here:

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There were about 30 people on the show, and I captured all the diversity on display. :laugh:

The weirdest part, though, was a little puppet show they had. One was done with a Frosty the Snowman theme, and the other a Santa theme. Thing is, each one featured some truly violent gophers.

In the Frosty bit, for no reason, the gophers jumped on Frosty repeatedly until they got him down on the ground, then they jumped on him some more until Frosty fought back, beating them with his broom until they ran off.

Next, Santa came down the gophers’ chimney, left them a present under their tree while they pretended to be asleep, then as he was going back up the chimney, they leapt after him, pulled him back down, beat the living crap out of him, put him in their bed unconscious, and opened their gift.

I found it on youtube, those gophers are so wrong

We've just watched the Gone Fishing Christmas special from last year, they were in Northern Norway. Beautiful
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