The Alphabet Game: Dishes using Za'atar

I can only find one - Indonesian bay (used in Indonesian and Malaysian cooking).
"K" in Thailand (or India) must be kaffir lime leaves.

And whilst we are in South East Asia - lemon grass.


(fresh leaves made into a tea)

Medicinal Uses
Mugwort has a strong tradition in ancient herbal medicine and folklore. The plant has an antiseptic and antifungal action, and is also said to relieve itching, burning and stinging sensations when freshly crushed leaves are applied to the skin. Mugwort is also used as an adaptogen, a general tonic, an expectorant, diuretic and as a digestive aid. Chewing fresh leaves reportedly acts as a stimulant and nervous tonic. It is also used to expel pinworms

Or you can settle for the much less interesting marjoram
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