The tea thread

You kind of have to go with the social norms where you live otherwise you appear like you're trying to make a point and correct other people who don't necessarily want to be corrected. If I wrote Chili in the UK (which incidentally displays underlined in red as a typo here) people would constantly tell you you'd missed an L out.

There are lots of those sorts of things. Like the pronunciation of Tzatziki or Chorizo or prosciutto or Ciabatta or the spelling of houmous or the dropping of the h from yoghurt etc etc. I know they are being pronounced incorrectly most of the time but that's how the language has evolved so I roll it.
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I understand. The last time I was in London, I met some people in a bar, and we were talking about Texas. It was a pretty upscale bar, so I decided to buy my new friends some tequila shots. I asked the bartender what kind of tequila they had, and she said they had "only the best" liquors. She pointed to a bottle of Two Fingers tequila. :sick:

Then I bought a round of beers for my new friends.


Sheesh everyone knows its silver patron. Lol

Back to tea, I tried this Welsh tea for the first time:


Iā€™ve include the translation as well. :laugh:

I must say, itā€™s quite good, I think I like it better than my usual PG Tips. :eek:
[Mod.Edit: This and a number of following posts have been moved from another thread to form a new topic (MG)]

I do like their hot tea. It isnā€™t (or wasnā€™t when I was going) the usual Awake! teabags - theyā€™d moved to theseā€¦bespoke is the best way I can say it, teabags that were pyramid bags, but about twice the size of a PG Tips bag, and you got two.

I used to stop at a SB twice a week when I was going into the office those days to get it, but I had to stop and go to a different SB.

Why? Because the woman working the morning shift at SB used to annoy the crap out of me. My assumption was sheā€™d just recently reentered the job market, because she was older, maybe 40ish, but had that annoying enthusiasm and cheerfulness a new worker whoā€™s about 16 has, and I just couldnā€™t deal with that at 7 in the AM. :laugh:

Twice a week, every week, Iā€™d stop in, get the same order, and youā€™d think she would have recognized me after a while, but every single time, sheā€™d give me my tea and say, ā€œLet that steep fer five minutes, but donā€™ throw those teabags out after that - thoseā€™re made fer a second steepinā€™, so when ya get ta work, ya can have another cup!ā€

Every time. Every šŸ¤¬ time for about three months.

Well with a mug like that, you'd think she'd remember you!

Sorry for the delayed response, I just noted you posted that several months ago :laugh:
My favorite tea is loose rose hip and loose hibiscus tea leaves. Place in tea ball, and steep till a nice deep red color. Add a bit of honey. Loaded with vitamins. Wonderful for helping with a cold. I like it hot. Mom would make a big pitcher for cold tea.
That brings back memories. Glengettie tea, wow. Memories of Uni!!
Back to tea, I tried this Welsh tea for the first time:

What was it like? It looks like full bodied type of tea. I've been drinking a new (cheaper than most) discovery:


Its really good and on a par with Yorkshire tea or PG tips if not better.

TastyReuben puts cream in tea so... well, its just not the way to taste tea...
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