What did you cook/eat today (March 2018)?

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Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
Recipe Challenge Judge
19 Apr 2015
Local time
1:57 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Tell us what you cooked or ate (or drank) today! We love to see photos too, if you have them.
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Last night we had trout fillets, leeks, parmentier potatoes (well, I used thyme instead of rosemary) and broccoli steamed with lemon juice. Very fresh tasting.

ETA: the brocolli went brown in parts which I assume was where I squeezed over the lemon before steaming. Am I right? Should I add lemon after cooking?
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Chicken Sausage Rolls with Poached Egg. I poached the egg for less time than usual, assuming it would cook some more when I reheated it for lunch. Fortunately, the yolk was still runny. I've tried my sausage rolls with a variety of different dips, and I think I like the yolk the best.

Just try not to think of the cradle-to-grave barbarism implied in having a chicken and an egg on the same plate.
View attachment 14253

Chicken Sausage Rolls with Poached Egg. I poached the egg for less time than usual, assuming it would cook some more when I reheated it for lunch. Fortunately, the yolk was still runny. I've tried my sausage rolls with a variety of different dips, and I think I like the yolk the best.

Just try not to think of the cradle-to-grave barbarism implied in having a chicken and an egg on the same plate.

We were talking about egg with chicken in the What doesn't go with eggs? thread. How did you reheat the poached egg?
We were talking about egg with chicken in the What doesn't go with eggs? thread. How did you reheat the poached egg?
30 seconds in the microwave. That's why I didn't completely cook it, since I knew it'd cook some more when I reheated it. I did the same thing yesterday with a fried egg, but by the time I got to work the not-completely-set yolk had partly slid off and covered the bottom of the container. Not so pretty.
30 seconds in the microwave. That's why I didn't completely cook it, since I knew it'd cook some more when I reheated it. I did the same thing yesterday with a fried egg, but by the time I got to work the not-completely-set yolk had partly slid off and covered the bottom of the container. Not so pretty.

Ah! In restaurants they re-heat poached eggs in water in a pan (which I've done). I haven't tried microwave. Isn't there a danger of the yolk bursting? I know you have to prick yolks if you microwave eggs.
Ah! In restaurants they re-heat poached eggs in water in a pan (which I've done). I haven't tried microwave. Isn't there a danger of the yolk bursting? I know you have to prick yolks if you microwave eggs.
This only seems to be an issue if you're microwaving a raw egg. Since mine was partly cooked, the extra 30 seconds presented no danger.
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