Your real thoughts of McDonalds

There is a huge problem in that some customers do eat there all the time, and they are going to make themselves fat because of it if they are not already. It always shocks me to see an obese family go into these types of fast food places and then proceed to buy the biggest quantity items they can get. It is like, do you not realize that you are not helping yourself out? When we eat out these days, we try to go to actual cafes and restaurants so that we are getting real food and have choices about what we can eat based on our health needs.
I did that to try to prove a point.

That fast food is not healthy for kids, especially children that young. Not on an everyday basis! Moderation is ok, but not part of their everyday lives!!

The title of this tread, after all, IS, Your thoughts about McDonald's, so I'm putting my 2 cents in. It is not a good thing for young children to eat on a day-to-day basis.

MD's and other fast food joints are mainly geared to attract young children, as well as teens, even though they sell some healthy foods, but I imagine that you haven't had their Chicken McNuggets as of late. They are so wicked salty!! And THIS is what is supposed to be good for the kids to eat?!! Hogwash!! :stop:
Fair point but I don't know that anyone says it's healthy [even Mc D]. In fact I had a big mac and fries with a coffee today - did I enjoy it yep, would I like to live on it - no way ! As you say the title is your thoughts on Mc Donald’s not the stupidity of parents and children who can't [or wont] say no. My comment is that it offers a fun quick meal that tastes ok [if you like it] and occasionally it does no harm. It's not up to Mc D or another outlet to be surrogate parents [even to adults]. Sadly the british nanny state government are considering a 'fat tax' which we will all have to pay - not sure what the position is like in the states, which will affect all such outlets and make my occasional treat that much dearer. Not having a go at you in any way just pointing out that if it tastes good there will always be those who overindulge [same with drugs I suppose] and that is nothing to do with Mc D.
But I DON'T look at this little boy as being stupid.

True, his mind is not fully developed, and he DOES have to eat to sustain life in his little body. But as you said, the stupidity lies in the hands of his parents.
Sure, they may look at him as a bundle of joy, and that's fine.

But they need to stop letting him have the run of things food wise before he manifests and grows into a unstoppable monster who is already a junk food junkie!! :stop:
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I think there is not much harm in having an occasional McDonalds meal, but the problem is that most of their customers eat there regularly. Their food is high in fats, salt or sugar, all of which are unhealthy and addictive.

It's many years since I went into a McDonalds. I've never eaten a Big Mac and I hated their fries when I tried them.

Very much so!!

I love this little boy & care about him very much, but the way that his parents let him go hog wild over fast food & junk food, they are slowly setting him up for a early onslaught of childhood diseases, such as obesity, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and other bad things!! They need to change his eating habits and quick before things get too far out of control with him! :stop:
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I've never been a fan of the food at McDonald's. I know, I know the fries are the best ever so on & so forth. Be realistic though. You know full well those fries taste like garbage when they get cold & there's no getting them back to the way they were when you first got them. Not my idea of 'best'.
It's true.

French fries just HAVE to be eaten hot. There's no getting around that.
Once they get cold, like you said, there is just no point in continuing to eat them!
Have you ever noticed that at just about all fast food eateries, that they give you a mountain of fries? That is mainly because they get them practically for pennies on the dollar.

Now next week, I may go to the neighborhood MD in my neighborhood and get McGriddle sammie & a small black coffee. That would be the first time going there in almost 2 months.
As for the little boy & other kids, they should only be going there as a one-in-a-while treat. Hopefully, his parents with try to grasp at the concept of getting him on the right track to eating healthy soon.

But if he were MY child, he would NOT be gorging out on all that unhealthy food & sugary soda! It is a known fact that a child will eat salty & sweet foods & sugary drinks. :stop:
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We are not eating to those fast food restaurants that often maybe only during out of town trips or when we are travelling for a stop over to eat. McDonalds is worldwide and you can see them everywhere but our family is not an avid fan of their foods which is high in fats, cholesterol and sweets which is bad for our health. We do make our homemade burgers and french fries at home if the kids wants to eat. We trained them not to eat in these places regularly.
My 11-year-old grand nephew won't eat in those fast food places too often. He knows all about the extreme importance of moderation.

He likes to sit down and be waited on in most places, mainly because he wants to observe the quality of the service and the cuisine. He's spoiled!! Hah!!
If something is out of the ordinary, he's quick to spot it in a hurry!!

He has thoroughly trained himself to catch everything that goes on inside of a restaurant. He even goes so far as to call the manager out if the service, food or both is not up to par. He even gives his thoughts & views on the food that he eats, as a child prodigy, while he's eating it!! This boy isn't missing a trick, and is so enthused & highly intelligent, as food & cooking has become his main interest! & passion, and he'll go a very long way in the culinary world!

If the food or drink is not to his liking, then he immediately sends it back to the kitchen! This boy is brutally outspoken, but he gets his point across and makes no bones about it at all!! :wink: :stop:
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I like the spaghette and chicken burger of McDonalds. They are my absolute favorites. In terms of dessert I like caramel mcflurry. It is so yummy. However a word of caution is also applicable not just to McDonalds but also to rest of fast food chain out there. Frequent reuse of oil increases bad cholesterol. McDonalds is nice but do it in moderation.
I like the spaghette and chicken burger of McDonalds. They are my absolute favorites. In terms of dessert I like caramel mcflurry. It is so yummy. However a word of caution is also applicable not just to McDonalds but also to rest of fast food chain out there. Frequent reuse of oil increases bad cholesterol. McDonalds is nice but do it in moderation.

Oh yeah, their Mcflurries are SO GOOD. It's probably the best icecream I've eaten anywhere, ever. It probably has a mountain of calories and sugar in it, but I very rarely eat icecream so I consider it a treat more than anything
I only eat McDonalds a few times a year but I get their coffee quite regularly. It's pretty decent, made from freshly ground beans and costs a lot less than Starbucks etc.
I like the spaghette and chicken burger of McDonalds. They are my absolute favorites. In terms of dessert I like caramel mcflurry. It is so yummy. However a word of caution is also applicable not just to McDonalds but also to rest of fast food chain out there. Frequent reuse of oil increases bad cholesterol. McDonalds is nice but do it in moderation.

When did this spaghetti burger come out?
Guess that it's been that long since I was there! :stop:
I do like Mcdonald's food but rarely go there now because the customer service leaves a lot to be desired. Many times i have been told to park up and wait because the food hasn't been cooked and have been left waiting a long time. They would quite often get the order wrong as well and we would only realise when we got home. Some of the staff can be quite rude and when me and my family visited Mcdonald's in Paris we were subjected to racism. The staff just ignored us when we tried to place an order because we were English and we had to leave.

I find that the standard of service in KFC is far more efficient and friendly, i have encountered none of the problems with them that i have with Mcdonald's. It doesn't matter if you are a worldwide corporation or a one man band, the customer is King and should be treated as such, or you will ultimately fail.
One of my worst pet peeves was when I went in there for breakfast, if you were there after 10:30 in the morning, you're too late for breakfast, and they're already serving friggen hamburgers!!
They should at least wait until 11:30 to do that! :mad: :stop:
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