
  1. Mountain Cat

    Upright Charcoal Smoker

    Yesterday, a friend gave me her unused upright charcoal smoker as she said she'd never use it as she doesn't have the time for outdoor "low and slow" cooking - her fulltime plus job and all. She'd been given it herself; it wasn't as she'd gone out and bought it. It is in my car now, and will...
  2. rascal

    Charcoal rotisserie lamb leg and

    a chook as well. Our daughters birthday dinner, she chose samosas with rhaita and tamarind chutney, followed by leg of lamb over coals on the rotisserie. I do this in the garage. Sides are cauli bloc cheese bake. Roast veges and gravy. Then rice custard. Pics to follow. The lamb was boned last...
  3. rascal

    Charcoal leg of lamb

    family coming for dinner tonight, I'm about to bone out a leg of lamb and prep a chicken, both are going on the rotisserie under charcoal. Daughter and d.i.l. Bringing sides and I'm also doing a potatoe dauphinois. Pics to follow. Russ
  4. Morning Glory

    Recipe Charcoal Rye Bread

    Charcoal powder has no real flavour and is mainly used as a colourant. You really don't need to add the charcoal if you don't want to or can't obtain it - but the bread will not be as dark. Ingredients 250g Rye flour 150g White bread flour 1 tbsp fennel seeds 1 tbsp caraway seeds 35g pumpkin...
  5. Morning Glory

    Recipe Tonka Bean and Bamboo Charcoal Ice-cream (no churn)

    Tonka beans are magic - they taste like vanilla on steroids and if you have never tried them then I can recommend that you do. They are expensive but they last forever, like nutmeg.; you just need a few gratings to add flavour. The bamboo charcoal powder adds dramatic colour and I promise it...
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