english mustard

  1. Morning Glory

    Recipe Tray Bake Chicken with Plums, Soy, Honey & Mustard

    Its all about sweet, sour and salty and then the kick of hot mustard. Use fairly sour plums if you can. I used skinless ‘bone-in’ chicken thighs but you could use legs or drumsticks. Skinless chicken works best for the glaze, I find. You could leave out the shallots but the whole garlic cloves...
  2. Morning Glory

    Recipe Vegetarian Welsh Rarebit

    Welsh Rarebit is totally delicious and there are many variations of this classic ‘savoury’. But, to my mind, it has to feature strong cheddar, strong mustard and strong beer. Here, I’ve made it vegetarian by substituting soy sauce for Worcestershire sauce (which is made with anchovies). The...
  3. Morning Glory

    Recipe Mango Mustard

    Mango lends a tropical taste to this spicy mustard. There are quite a few ingredients but making it is an easy ‘two step’ process. This is a versatile ingredient and is great used in marinades. I used it to make Mango Mustard Chicken Breasts 'en papillote'. Ingredients (makes approx: 200ml of...
  4. Yorky

    Recipe Beef Wellington (alternative take)

    Ingredients Single fillet beef steak (about 250 gms). 6 Shiitake mushrooms 4 Shallots or small red onions 6 Cloves of garlic 1½ tblsp Prepared English mustard 2 Slices cooked ham 1 Egg, beaten to a wash Puff pastry Method Sear the fillet steak with a blowlamp until charred on all sides. Allow...
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