
The potato (also referred to as tater, tattie, and spud) is a root vegetable that is part of the plant Solanum tuberosum. This perennial is part of the family Solanaceae or the nightshades. In many contexts, the word potato refers to the edible starchy tuber portion of the plant, but it can also refer to the plant itself, which is native to the Americas.
Wild potato species can be found throughout the Americas, from the United States to southern Chile. The potato was originally believed to have been domesticated by indigenous peoples of the Americas independently in multiple locations, but later genetic testing of the wide variety of cultivars and wild species traced a single origin for potatoes. In the area of present-day southern Peru and extreme northwestern Bolivia, from a species in the Solanum brevicaule complex, potatoes were domesticated approximately 7,000–10,000 years ago. In the Andes region of South America, where the species is indigenous, some close relatives of the potato are cultivated.
Potatoes were introduced to Europe from the Americas in the second half of the 16th century by the Spanish. Today they are a staple food in many parts of the world and an integral part of much of the world's food supply. As of 2014, potatoes were the world's fourth-largest food crop after maize (corn), wheat, and rice.Following millennia of selective breeding, there are now over 1,000 different types of potatoes. Over 99% of presently cultivated potatoes worldwide descended from varieties that originated in the lowlands of south-central Chile, which have displaced formerly popular varieties from the Andes.The importance of the potato as a food source and culinary ingredient varies by region and is still changing. It remains an essential crop in Europe, especially Northern and Eastern Europe, where per capita production is still the highest in the world, while the most rapid expansion in production over the past few decades has occurred in southern and eastern Asia, with China and India leading the world in overall production as of 2014.
Being a nightshade similar to tomatoes, the vegetative and fruiting parts of the potato contain the toxin solanine and are not fit for human consumption. Normal potato tubers that have been grown and stored properly produce glycoalkaloids in amounts small enough to be negligible to human health, but if green sections of the plant (namely sprouts and skins) are exposed to light, the tuber can accumulate a high enough concentration of glycoalkaloids to affect human health.

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  1. Morning Glory

    Recipe Potato and Pea Curry (Mattar Batata)

    This is a recipe of Gujarati origin which was shown to Madhur Jaffrey by Manjula Goka. You may note that it doesn’t contain onions, garlic or ginger, which are very often used as a base for curry, along with spices. In fact, especially in the south of India, there are more dishes cooked without...
  2. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe (Vegan) Welcome Home Soup

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  3. SatNavSaysStraightOn

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  4. Yorky

    Recipe Hassleback Potatoes

    Ingredients 8 Medium potatoes 2 tblsp Butter 2 tsp Garlic, pureed 2 tsp Paprika 1 tsp Ground cumin seeds ½ tsp Chilli powder ½ tsp Salt 1 tsp Olive oil plus a little more Method Wash and scrub the potatoes. Preheat the oven to 200 degC. Skewer each potato length wise in turn about 10 mm...
  5. Yorky

    Recipe Spicy Potato Wedges

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  6. MypinchofItaly

    Recipe Fried Potato Peels with Paprika

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  7. Morning Glory

    Recipe Mustard Seed, Kalonji and Black Pepper Potatoes

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  8. MypinchofItaly

    Recipe Homemade Focaccia with Potatoes and Black Garlic

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  9. Morning Glory

    Recipe Scalloped Potatoes with Miso

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  10. CraigC

    How Many Varieties of Potatoes Do You Use?

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  11. Morning Glory

    Recipe Rainbow Salade Niçoise

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  12. Morning Glory

    Recipe Potato Salad with Sun-dried Tomato, Olives and Parsley

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  13. TodayInTheKitchen

    Recipe Roasted potatoes with bacon, mushrooms and corn

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  14. CraigC

    Layered Potato Dishes

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  15. Morning Glory

    Recipe Potato Salad with Egg, Anchovy, Pickled Lemon and Parsley

    You really don’t need mayonnaise for this potato salad. The sour tang of pickled lemon and the deep umami of the anchovy are lifted by the freshness of the parsley. All that is needed is some good olive oil to bring all the ingredients together. The chilli flakes are optional but add piquancy...
  16. Morning Glory

    The humble baked potato

    Who doesn't love a baked potato? OK, I suppose there are some people (please put your hand up now and say why). But they are quite delicious. Something happens in the oven when you bake potatoes in the skin so that they have a certain sweetness. Is it that the starch is converted into sugar...
  17. LadyBelle

    Novice Gardener

    For the first time I’m growing vegetables. This is more an attempt to manage my stress levels and auto immune disorder than anything else. I’m ridiculous excited about my potatoes - which seem to be growing!
  18. Morning Glory

    Recipe Masala Bubble and Squeak

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  19. Yorky

    Recipe Bratkartoffeln

    Ingredients 700g potatoes, peeled and sliced (around 10mm) ½ tblsp Olive oil (see note in "method") 2 Onions, chopped 6 Rashers streaky bacon, chopped Salt Freshly ground black pepper 1 tblsp Chopped fresh parsley Method Par-boil the potatoes (around 10 minutes), drain and allow to cool...
  20. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    The News in food

    Not food in the news but the news in food. Ok, it's a bad pun, but the Guardian newspaper is now using potato starch instead of polyethylene wrappers to wrap the supplements in at the weekend. Progress finally from an environmental point of view. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-46849937
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