soya yoghurt/soy yogurt

Soy yogurt, also referred to as Soya yogurt, Soygurt or Yofu (a portmanteau of yogurt and tofu), is yogurt prepared with soy milk.

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  1. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Gochujang Chickpea Salad with Caramelised Onions

    This recipe was originally a sandwich filling but it struck us that it would make an excellent jacket potato topping, so that's how we had it. If you decide to take it back to a sandwich filling, you'll probably want to reduce the recipe to a single tin of chickpeas. Original recipe from...
  2. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Vegan yoghurt making

    Brekkie has changed for a number of reasons... it's now Oats soaked overnight in oat milk, served with (homemade) soy yoghurt, and home-grown raspberries.
  3. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Tofu baked in Peanut Butter, Yoghurt and Chilli Sauce

    I've been on the hunt for a peanut butter based sauce for tofu that didn't use soy sauce/tamari/coconut aminos which all contain high levels of sodium which I need to avoid at the moment. I came across one sauce that didn't have the above but the crispy coating for the tofu had it in it...
  4. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe New England Vegetable Chowder

    This is another of our old favourites from the long since deceased BBC Vegetarian Good food magazine which ceased publication back in the 90's! If you are making a dairy free version then you have a couple of options but by far the best tasting is to switch to homemade cashew nut milk and...
  5. Morning Glory

    The CookingBites recipe challenge: Yoghurt

    Welcome to the CookingBites recipe challenge. The current challenge ingredient is plain yoghurt* and SatNavSaysStraightOn is judge. To enter, all you need to do is post a recipe** which uses plain yoghurt, tag it cookingbites recipe challenge and post a link to it in this thread. The winner...
  6. Mid-Afternoon Snack.jpeg

    Mid-Afternoon Snack.jpeg

  7. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Mango Soup

    I have a cookery book called "Mango Soup" by Jenni Malsingh. And in that book there is a recipe for mango soup. She took two Indian dishes and combined them. She took the Gujarati idea of adding mango pulp to karli (which is a gram flour and yoghurt soup) and the Keralan idea of coconut & mango...
  8. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Chilled Avocado and Coconut Soup

    We've just had another of those really hot days and combined with the smoke problems, I've not been too well or able to do much at all. So when hubby spotted this recipe I thought why not? After all, the only thing that needed cooking was the brown rice and I could use the microwave for that...
  9. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Aromatic Vegetable Pasties with yoghurt pastry

    Aromatic Vegetable Pasties with yoghurt pastry I got this recipe from the now defunct BBC Vegetarian Food Good magazine back somewhere in 1993. Originally hubby made them for us when we lived in the Lake District (England) and they have a story behind them. We didn't have a great kitchen in...
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