white/haricot beans

  1. Elawin

    Recipe Middle Eastern White Beans

    This is a typical Middle Eastern recipe and can be eaten hot or at room temperature with rice or flat breads. The addition of a little extra stock turns it into a delicious soup. You can also use it as a superb accompaniment to lamb. Cooking time: For the stock, 60 minutes plus standing time...
  2. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Roasted Garlic, Parsnip and White Bean Soup

    I came across this recipe whilst looking for my Persian bean soup recipe from my Veggistan book which sadly it's in a shipping container being shipped from the UK to Australia. I had thought it would have been an ideal recipe for the current CookingBites recipe challenge but... instead I found...
  3. winterybella

    Recipe White Bean and Kale Soup

    I have seen some speak of soup in the cold of winter but on a summer's day I am happy with a bowl of soup all the same. Granted, soup in my household is requested mostly when someone is ill but I still like to stock up my soup recipes. So here goes my White Bean and Kale Soup. Just so you know...
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