
Do you wear an apron on your kitchen?

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I spoke about it somewhere online some time ago and then thought I would wear mine once they were out of storage. I found only two. A red one which looks quite tired even though I have not worn it in ages and one with a white background that required some bleach. I think it's fun to wear one. I am sure once my husband and son are in the mood they will joke about it once I wear mine. Since talking about it I worn one recently.
I do not have an apron, but I really need to get one because I am a slob in the kitchen. If there is the possibility that food will get on my clothes, it will! I never really stopped to think about how many people do not wear aprons in the kitchen these days. Back in the 1800s, an apron used to basically part of your outfit or dress set. They were much smarter about taking care of their clothes back then.
We used to have to wear one in cookery class at school. It had nothing to do with protecting our school uniform. The old witch who taught the class could not care less about that. It was the done thing and you had to have an apron. If you did not have your apron with you, you were sent to see the headmistress (who I am absolutely certain hated the old witch as much as we did). The HM kept a spare supply of aprons and tea-towels (the other thing you had to bring to the lesson and woe betide anyone who had forgotten your tea-towel (one girl got a frying pan thrown at her, another got a bag of flour thrown at her!)...
That last bit sounds like my metalwork teacher. Was her aim any good?
I never cooked my food without apron. I think it is a safe idea to protect your cloth to stain.
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