Are you a lover of Pork?

Are you a lover of Pork?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • No

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters
21 Oct 2014
Local time
7:32 PM
I can't say I am a lover of pork, but I will consume a reasonable amount if I have prepared some for the household. When I say the household I am specifically referring to my husband who is definitely a "pork mout" as we say in our country.

Each year for a few years now he would have a friend in the pig business rear an animal just for him. Naturally we would share it with friends and family when it was ready slaughter.

I have heard mix reviews about whether or not pork is good for you, and for that reason I have stayed away from it for a while and have tried to discourage my husband from eating it.

What are your thoughts and are you a big fan of the meat?
I do buy pork sometimes, but not regularly. In my opinion it is a nice meat, especially when baked. I am a big fan of ham though, and that is also derived from a pig. Ham is something I do not like to be without at Christmas time. I would also eat packaged ham throughout the year.

There are some people who believe pork should not be consumed as it is not good for you. However, I believe that if it is prepared properly there should be no problems with it. Whenever I cook pork, in whatever form, I make sure that it is thoroughly cooked. It is usually left to marinate in salt for a while before cooking also.

As with all other meats, I believe pork still contains nutrients that would be good for you.
I started to do a quick search and I was not loving what I was seeing. There are some things I don't like to research for fear I don't like what I find and pork is one of those things. The age old debate is always continuing as to its health benefits and risk.

When I started the thread I had completely forgotten about the ham and I do love a nice slice of ham. I might be a pork lover after all.:)
Just to put everything into perspective. At various times the researchers and scientists have concluded that Beef, red meat, chicken, salt, tea, coffee, tobacco, red wine, alcohol of any sort - in fact the list seems endless are all very bad, and all this has been 'proved' by extensive research. Until the next theory comes along to keep the afore mentioned researchers on the gravy train and in a safe well paid job. As for pork - I think there is little better than a nicely roasted joint with a crisp outer shell.
As sidevalve above said. The experts have concluded that just about everything is bad for us......until they decide it isn't that is. Potatoes are bad......err they are ok now etc etc.

if we stopped eating everything the experts tell us is bad for us, we wouldn't eat anything at all. Pork is a very good meat and is good value for money, unlike beef, or lamb, which can be cost prohibitive to a lot of people. There is nothing better than a nice well cooked joint of pork, with stuffing. And of course ham is lush.

forget what the so called experts tell you. Moderation in everything is the key.
Definitely agree with the two posters above, don't listen to any of these "nutritional experts". They need to make money somehow, so they publish articles, make studies (that can be easily influenced into giving you any results you want) and then claim that ingredient X is bad and will pretty much instantly kill you if you even look at it. "You can eat everything, just use common sense" doesn't sell as well as "your everyday breakfast is killing you!"

That being said, nope, not a big fan of pork. I do eat bacon, some pork sausages, ham and a few other pork products from time to time but usually I prefer to go with chicken or beef.
I will admit that I am a fan of everything pork, even though it is not the best for you. Bacon is one of my favorite parts of a pig, followed by ham. We do eat pork chops at least once a month and I bake them with a chili mango sauce. Pork is best served with sweet marinades. I try not to fry my pork because it is already a fatty meat.
I like having a piece of pork now and then especially when it's's just lastnight that my hubby and i were saying we hadn't cook pork in awhile and we decided to do some this Sunday for kids love it just the same but my mother on the other hand as never eaten it as she claimed it's unclean.
Yes a like pork. I even like it than chicken or beef. We have lots of pork dishes in house aside from the normal porkchop. We have lechon (roasted pork), pork menudo and afritada. We also have our own version/recipe of pork steak. The taste of pork is really nice. However we started to limit the consumption of pork because of some health reason.
we eat pork but not all our family are over keen on it,ribs .loins ,tenderloin ,slow cooked shoulders,belly i have even boned out trotters and stuffed them ,when i was younger Saturday was pork liver sandwich day ,straight from the slaughterhouse
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Are you kidding?? Pork belly (with extra crispy skin/crackling, bacon, pig brains, ribs, and one thing I LOVE to eat is actually pig feet. Needless to say I freakin love pork
I am not much of a meat lover but if I do decide to have something it is very rarely pork. I've never been much of a fan of it for some reason. If I need some meat, I generally go for some cut of beef.
Before I love to eat pork because you can make many recipes from it and it taste good. But when my father became sick like what I mentioned in my previous post we cut down on the consumption of meat and had a change in our diet for health reason not only for him but as well for all of us in the family for our awareness how to have a healthy lifestyle.
I would say yes, mainly because it was kind of my "go to" meat a lot of the time when I first moved out and my budget was much more tight. I could get a large pack of pork chops for what I would pay for one ribeye steak for example. In fact, it was an even better deal when a pork roast was on sale, and I could cut that up into a bunch of chops - especially when they were buy one get one free. The only time I would really ever buy beef would be ground beef and only when it was on sale for a reasonable price - beef steaks were usually out of the question unless my folks would hook me up with a few packs when they stopped by to visit.

It's still kind of ingrained in me to try and make something great out of cheaper cuts of meat like Pork or Turkey, either by slow roasting or pressure cooking, or whatever. I like the challenge, and of course I like saving extra money in the process. Besides, not all cuts of pork are bad for you - pork chops for example are very low in fat, especially if you trim off the fat cap around the edges.
Any of you like pigs head?
We cook them at work for terrines and croquettes, and even just buy the cheeks ,
Deep fried bread crumbed ears are a must with mustard
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