Chocolate anyone?

We like it, though we drink it only in cold weather, and I make it on the stove “from scratch,” (none of that packet stuff) and it’s always got a little something extra added (schnapps, Frangelico, amaretto, Baileys, etc).
We like it, though we drink it only in cold weather, and I make it on the stove “from scratch,” and it’s always got a little something extra added (schnapps, Frangelico, amaretto, Baileys, etc).
Yum yum.
I ski’d in a pricey resort once and had a hot chocolate with a little extra in it. Was a surprise to discover you can pay £20 for a hot chocolate!
As you might imagine, drinking hot chocolate when the average temperature is around 25C is not really an option. However, in the Andes region, where the temperature is a lot lower because of the altitude, hot chocolate is quite common. We've also got a huge advantage in that Venezuelan chocolate is the best in the world!
M&S do a reasonable pre-made sachet. About double the amount of a normal sachet but I only drink them in SOS situations, like out on the bike in the freezing rain and needing heat and sugar before continuing.

Needless to say since I refined the way I ride (ooh nasty weather let’s wait til it passes😂) I haven’t had one for well over a year and don’t miss them one bit 😆
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This is how I make it:

Recipe - Hot Cocoa for One

Then I glug in the other stuff and top it with spray cream, usually.

Oh, and who calls it hot cocoa, who calls it hot chocolate, and who calls it something else?
Round here hot chocolate implies a drink made with a premix, ‘hot chocolate’ is usually slapped on the label. Cocoa implies you made a hot chocolate using cocoa and mixed the ingredients yourself.

Some of the ingredients on premix hot chocolate’s are awful.
You pay the same or more for good 100% cocoa as you do a tub of sugar with artificial sweetener and 25% cocoa!
Anybody ever try the Mexican hot chocolate that comes in a disk that you drop in a pan with milk? Abuelita is one of the brands if anybody us interested in looking. They aren't too bad.
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