Does your partner cook?

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
Recipe Challenge Judge
19 Apr 2015
Local time
1:55 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Assuming you have a partner, do they cook? If so, are they as good as you and do they cook as often? My partner used to cook but no longer does - he used to be better than me and taught me quite a lot. He was a 'house husband' for many years so did all the cooking for me and the kids.

If you used to have a partner (or several previous partners) then of course please join in and tell us how the cooking worked between you.
My husband knows how to boil water...for pasta. He can actually cook pasta quite well. He is also good at breading and frying fish. He can cook some things on the grill, but I won't let him do steaks on the grill anymore because I like my steaks medium rare and more often than not they come out medium well instead if he cooks them. And he makes wine! Really, really good dry red wines. His father (now deceased) and grandfather made wine with his cousins and great uncles for many decades. They buy grapes from California that are shipped into a market up by Lake Erie (or at least they did before COVID-19) and go through the whole crush/press process, letting it ferment in carboys, etc. We have a nice wine room in our basement :thumbsup:
My spouse can't boil water. Or make toast, with a toaster. she's mystified at all the cooking tech talk i use. She just gets a blank look on her face when I say "I'll be there in a minute, I have to char these peppers. "
Yes, cooking duties are shared pretty evenly. Sometimes one of use will cook the whole meal unaided, other times we work together, which we do quite intuitively. There are some dishes that each of us specialise in - I would not even think of doing a Caesar salad, a curry or a fish pie, my wife has those nailed. I do bread, sauces and anything sous vide related.
Only thing I allow Ray do is BBQ he is good. Some time he cook in kitchen if I feel unwell with MS, it no because Ray can not cook it just he makes so big mess I never see person using so many pan to make Carbonara, God forbid he try make big Sunday meal my kitchen be destroyed. Today he in charge of BBQ I tell him he also clean it!

Sarana x
Something which occurred to me reading through this thread is that there are lots of men on the forum who cook. In fact, a rough estimate of the CookingBites regular contributors is that approximately 50% are men. We have a very good gender balance!

I wonder if this would have been so, 50 years ago? I suspect not.
A short poem entitled "An Ode To Shared Responsibilities In The Heart Of The Home," by TastyReuben:

<clears throat>

I cook, she eats.

The End

Same but that's because I am the Kitchen Dictator ⚠

I unashamedly admit to being intolerant of others in my kitchen.

Sometimes my husband makes brunch for me when I allow him to pamper me but otherwise the kitchen is mine :ninja::laugh:

And the only things he says he can cook are eggs and chilli, so he's ok with the arrangement.
Something which occurred to me reading through this thread is that there are lots of men on the forum who cook. In fact, a rough estimate of the CookingBites regular contributors is that approximately 50% are men. We have a very good gender balance!

I wonder if this would have been so, 50 years ago? I suspect not.
My parents are very traditional in their roles, and my dad never even made a sandwich for himself until he retired. I wish that were an exaggeration, but when my mom had to go into the hospital decades ago, my sister had to stop by the house and make him a sandwich every day. :)

Since he retired, though, he's now the main breakfast maker, he cooks breakfast (eggs, potatoes, and ham) nearly every day. He stil won't make a sandwich, but he'll cook breakfast.
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