Foods You Love That Others Find Strange?

@morning glory
Organ meat used to be very inexpensive. It was considered garbage. Now organ meat is a delicacy and costly.

Depends here. Tongue is expensive most places but I found inexpensive tongue at my farmer's market. Liver has a price, but kidneys, heart and such - very affordable. For now, anyway. Tripe is cheap.

Since no one seems to save the sweetbreads, they are much more costly when you can find them. We grew up on sweetbreads - they cost nothing way back when - and I seriously loved (and still love) them. They do have to be cooked correctly however. I will post a recipe sometime.
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I loved lambs tongues growing up, you can't buy them here now, it's all exported to the Arabs.


I do have a half-pound parcel of lambs' tongues in my freezer as I type. Something I picked up along with the last portions of sweetbreads in the Pennsylvania Dutch area of this country I drove through after going to my uncle's 90th birthday party a month or so ago. Haven't decided exactly how I will cook them!
I do have a half-pound parcel of lambs' tongues in my freezer as I type. Something I picked up along with the last portions of sweetbreads in the Pennsylvania Dutch area of this country I drove through after going to my uncle's 90th birthday party a month or so ago. Haven't decided exactly how I will cook them!

We used to get it in a can, in a gel type clear liquid. I never read ingredients.

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