How is the corona virus affecting you?

Being in Texas, I am really surprised that, in my town, at least, I don't see anyone trying to enter a public place without a mask. I do see young men playing pick-up basketball games at the local park (with no masks), but otherwise, not a lot of stupid behavior.


I'm in IL in a small town between Chicago and Rockford. Our governor is opening in phases with the final phase being completely open and that won't happen until there is a vaccine. He also mandated that people must wear masks inside ALL BUSINESSES with a hefty find to any business owners that don't enforce the rule.

I've seen one person dressed in a full body dragon costume, one with a "Michael" (Friday the 13th movies) Halloween masks and all kind of face coverings. I know we live in a free country and people have rights but we can't simultaneously complain about the restrictions while doing nothing to make it safer for the country to be reopened.
Were you surprised that he refuses to do the next debate because they were going to make it virtual. Apparently, he is super paranoid that somebody will feed Biden the questions and/or answers. Personally, I think it's because he doesn't want the moderator to have control over turning off his mike. That wouldn't even be an issue if he would stop interrupting. Basic manners would be helpful. ;-)

That's the reason -- he said it himself. Quote: "and they cut you off whenever they want."


Another thing that mystifies me (part 728):

How come a clinically obese 74 year old apparently recovers from Covid-19 in about four days? It takes me about six to shrug off a cold.

And I'm not trying to start a conspiracy theory, just very puzzled.

Well, for 1 thing, he got the absolute best care of probably anyone in the world, though I doubt he is completely recovered. They have been discharging COVID patients who have minimal symptoms as quickly as possible.

There has also been speculation from doctors and RNs (who had nothing to do with his care, but have cared for other COVID patients) that he was discharged early because of what they call VIP syndrome, i.e where someone who has a lot of power/money/whatever basically directs their care and the attending and consulting physicians allow the patient to do so because they don't want to anger said patient.
Another thing that mystifies me (part 728):

How come a clinically obese 74 year old apparently recovers from Covid-19 in about four days? It takes me about six to shrug off a cold.

And I'm not trying to start a conspiracy theory, just very puzzled.

He has access to a team of doctors and received a cocktail of medications that aren't available to the general public.

And, it's not a conspiracy. Trump has ties with the guy that owns the company that manufactures the medication.
Trump has ties to drugmaker Regeneron -- and now its stock is surging
Were you surprised that he refuses to do the next debate because they were going to make it virtual.
Not really, for me with 255 million adults in America most of whom are capable of voting. Only 73 million people watched the playground fight.Of those 73 million how many do you think are democrats ? My advice to him would be to reject any form of public debate and minimize his appearances to Fox with orchestrated interviews. Or do a Thatcher and invade someone. What about a CIA fake kidnapping of Americans in the middle east and Trump publicly overseeing their rescue. By the time it would be exposed he would have secured his next term
Another thing that mystifies me (part 728):

How come a clinically obese 74 year old apparently recovers from Covid-19 in about four days? It takes me about six to shrug off a cold.

And I'm not trying to start a conspiracy theory, just very puzzled.

Well, he wasn't actually recovered when he left the hospital, he was just being treated at the White house, which has a hospital-level medical facility on premises. When he put on a suit, and went outside to pander to his sheeple, his breathing was clearly labored. He faked it -- as he has been doing all his life.

Very honest interview with a man who didn't take the pandemic seriously, hosted a family pool party at his house in June, and is living with guilt and regrets. He is talking and writing about it to try to get people like him to change their minds about the seriousness of Covid-19.


This is an article that may interest you Doggers. To the video ignorance is not a defense in the eyes of the law or mine. His repentance does not resonate with me anymore than if he had made it in the confessional.Stupid is as stupid does. For me the salient question is if you or I had been invited would we have gone. Sacha Baron Cohen: We Must Save Democracy From Conspiracies
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Dutch bars and restaurants to close to stem surge in coronavirus cases
The Dutch government announced a new round of measures to slow the spread of coronavirus on Tuesday, according to a report by Reuters, which includes:
  • Ban on alcohol and weed sales after 8pm
  • Bars and restaurants to close except for take away
  • Mandatory face masks at closed venues
  • No more shopping after 8 pm
  • No more gatherings of more than 30 people in public places and offices
  • Limit on guests at home, max 3
  • Mandatory social distancing everywhere
Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte said the measures will go into effect from Wednesday.
This partial lockdown will last four weeks, the Dutch health minister said.
Dutch bars and restaurants to close to stem surge in coronavirus cases
The Dutch government announced a new round of measures to slow the spread of coronavirus on Tuesday, according to a report by Reuters, which includes:
  • Ban on alcohol and weed sales after 8pm
  • Bars and restaurants to close except for take away
  • Mandatory face masks at closed venues
  • No more shopping after 8 pm
  • No more gatherings of more than 30 people in public places and offices
  • Limit on guests at home, max 3
  • Mandatory social distancing everywhere
Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte said the measures will go into effect from Wednesday.
This partial lockdown will last four weeks, the Dutch health minister said.

That's not as bad as it could have been. We have some of those measures in place here in Texas. Number of guests at home will be hard to police, and hopefully mandatory social distancing does not include passing someone on a sidewalk or store isle -- a very brief encounter. That would be hard to police, as well.

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