How is the corona virus affecting you?

We have a park at out back fence with a gate in it. We still saw our friends, they came via the park into our back yard and kept in touch, even drank. Buy kept social distance. Drinks laid out prior to them arriving. Three bubbles in one. I see a nz scientist said our facilities are full of holes and it will get out.?

This would get the police to visit here.

caseydog our country is very small and densely populated, much easier to surveillance for police
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I don't know how that can be enforced. I could have five people in my house, and as long as we didn't draw attention to ourselves, nobody would know.


It can't be enforced but most people tend to follow it. I certainly do and everyone I know does. Its madness not to. Meeting indoors in households is probably the major way in which the virus spreads because of lack of air circulation and the fact that people do not stay 2 metres apart indoors. 2 metres is actually quite a long distance. It has been suggested to increase it to 3 simply because most people's idea of 2 metres is more like 1 metre. I only have to watch people on my rather busy street to see that!

As I mentioned before, even when we weren't in lockdown my son and daughter would not enter my house.
It can't be enforced but most people tend to follow it. I certainly do and everyone I know does. Its madness not to. Meeting indoors in households is probably the major way in which the virus spreads because of lack of air circulation and the fact that people do not stay 2 metres apart indoors. 2 metres is actually quite a long distance. It has been suggested to increase it to 3 simply because most people's idea of 2 metres is more like 1 metre. I only have to watch people on my rather busy street to see that!

As I mentioned before, even when we weren't in lockdown my son and daughter would not enter my house.

We are not under lock down at present but we still don't have visitors (of which there are few) in the house (except to use the toilet if necessary). The stoep is where visitors stay. Except for my wife's family, that's always been the case, even before Covid.
Our government decided to close schools for 15 days, starting tomorrow. Children aren't thought to be a huge source of transmissions but all the adults that teach them and take them to school are. Currently the British variant of the virus accounts for about 20% of all new infections in Portugal, up from around 5% last week. The British variant is more contagious, it's still unsure if creates more serious symptoms or not. Unlike what happened in March last year there will be no remote school during these 15 days, teachers and children will have to make up for the time lost sometime later.

Later today the EU will also discuss if all EU borders should close or not. Boyfriend works for Ryanair and they're already desperate with the few flights they're seeing 🥺 Let's see how this goes.
Things are quite ok Covid-wise at the moment in Finland; around 200-400 daily cases in the whole country (pop. 5.5 million) and less than 100 cases of the mutated virus. A few days ago there were zero new cases here in Lahti but yesterday one of the students at my husband's work place (school) fell ill. Luckily my hubby's not in quarantine as he hasn't been in contact with the student in question - only about 40 students and five other teachers have to get tested and stay home for ten days. There have been a few similar "it was close" cases earlier and one student has lost his/her parent due to Covid as we know of.

We have a rather strict border control (with testing) but some youngster in his/her 30's just arrived from GB and spread the mutated virus around while partying. 400 people are currently in quarantine thanks to that person but they've managed to keep the contagion chain in control.

All children's communal activities (like sports practices) are at halt but schools are open for younger students and private gyms and sports clubs are allowed to be open (with safety measures). College/high school and uni students study remotely for the most part; work places follow their own rules - most offices and factories run with minimum capacity and many employees telecommute. Bars and restaurants are open but they close earlier and limit the amount of customers. Grocery stores serve elderly customers in early opening hours like in many other countries. Libraries are open at the moment but the situation varies on a weekly/monthly basis.

Finland hasn't received but a portion of the vaccines it has ordered via EU co-operatives. 78 300 people (mostly hospital staff and some of the people with severe medical conditions/disabilites) have been vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine so far. The Moderna vaccine has been approved but no vaccines have arrived yet. My mom and stepdad are in their 80's but they haven't been called up. RA and the immune response debilitating med I use are probably not considered a high risk so I'll get the vaccine some time later this year.
I'm really looking forward to returning to concerts, plays and movies. All (cooking) work and no play makes Hemulen a dull girl.
More complete idiocy: police broke up a wedding party that had 400 people. This was in an area of north London with one of the worst infection rates in the country. It was held at a school hall and the principal said that he had no knowledge that this was going to take place. Now, this was a hall that the school had let out, so if it's that big a hall, what did he think was going to happen - a one-man band practicing?
More complete idiocy: police broke up a wedding party that had 400 people. This was in an area of north London with one of the worst infection rates in the country. It was held at a school hall and the principal said that he had no knowledge that this was going to take place. Now, this was a hall that the school had let out, so if it's that big a hall, what did he think was going to happen - a one-man band practicing?

Read that this morning, went to a lot of trouble blacking out windows. Hope they were prosecuted.

I am okay in my region of the state so far... but anything where one can really do some detailed grocery shopping at is seriously impacted. I'm in one of the gray towns - but there's not much shopping available in mine. (Gray, not much if any COVID, green, a little bit, yellow definitely increasing, red.. yup, running around with COVID although I wish they had an orange level before red for more statewide accuracy. Noting that looking at the town by town results, there is only ONE tiny town that has to date no COVID cases in this state. (Not my town.)
MA map.jpg
Word is the Pfizer vaccine will be easily and quickly modifiable to the emerging strains.
That's good to know, Portugal bought the Pfizer vaccines, along with a number of vaccines from other labs.

A couple of colleagues are married to nurses and doctors in public hospitals, and it's been a horrible time for them. A colleague said his nurse wife and colleagues were so swamped during their shifts that a couple patients died in ER and ICU but they only noticed hours later. Doctors from other specialties are also being called to work in the ER, even psychiatrists who aren't used to doing any of the medical procedures ER doctors do. Hopefully the lockdown will give our health services some breathing room so they have decent conditions to treat patients again. By the way Singapore calls the lockdown "circuit breakers" which is a "friendlier", less scary word.
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