How is the corona virus affecting you?

Not entirely, no. I know they're planning to open some federal vaccination centers, but the main help will be logistics support in getting the vaccine distributed and also with ramping up production.
Hope things pick up for you over there now. Thought we were doing well (for a change), but it turns out the switch from 6 to 12 weeks between the two doses is based on expediency, not medical science. Politicians, who'd have thought it?
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I'm starting to get more & more worked up by Corona related news, I think I need a break so I have decided not to watch the news or read the paper for a while. My mental health is suffering from it.
Take a break dear. I am undecided whether the reporting is helping people exercise caution, or just causes too much anxiety. If in doubt, switch off the news and stay home and keep safe.
Take a break dear. I am undecided whether the reporting is helping people exercise caution, or just causes too much anxiety. If in doubt, switch off the news and stay home and keep safe.

Yeah my husband still follows the news so he'll inform me if it's important. I'm only watching the next Prime Minister briefing at the 9th of February for the time being.
I'm starting to get more & more worked up by Corona related news, I think I need a break so I have decided not to watch the news or read the paper for a while. My mental health is suffering from it.
When Trump was in office (I love saying that in the past tense, BTW), MrsT would obsess over the news. She'd start with her favorite news source, then onto the next, then the next, until she'd cycled through the lot...then back to the beginning again. Neverending loop of reports on Trump's shenanigans, from 8AM until she went to bed at 11PM.

My habit was to check the online news over my lunch, then to watch the evening news report on TV, and that was that.

Her mental health was definitely affected, and she was worrying so much, she couldn't sleep half the time.

We'd gone to the doctor (for something unrelated), and when the doc was interviewing her, she (the doc) asked about her (MrsT's) media consumption, and we went over that, and then she asked me mine, and we talked about that, and she looked at my wife point-blank and said, "Do what he does or you'll go crazy."

Lasted all of three days. :)

So, yeah, either take a break, or just set up a time and say, "11AM-noon is my time for news, then that's it for the day."
I'm starting to get more & more worked up by Corona related news, I think I need a break so I have decided not to watch the news or read the paper for a while. My mental health is suffering from it.
As others have said, please take a break from it. I can tell you the exact moment that I stopped watching the news. I had just come home after a day at work, evening at school (put myself through college) and a quick trip to the local Catholic church where I lit a candle and prayed for Susan Smith's kids to be found alive. This was a ritual I would repeat every day since the news broke her story. I never believed her story that her kids were taken by a car jacker because car jackers don't take kids and kidnappers don't need getaway vehicles.

Anyway, that night, I came in the house and my husband told me that Smith's kids were found. I had a moment of joy before he told me they were both deceased. They were strapped in the car when she let it go into the water. I cried like I could create an ocean from tears alone. It was awful. That was IT. I was done. I reasoned that anything "big" enough would be talked about around the water cooler and I could avoid everything else. And, it's held true. I haven't missed anything in all these decades and I haven't flooded my mind with all the other horrible stuff going on in the world.

Dear, the human mind isn't designed to take in 24/7 bad/horrible/awful/confusing news. We just aren't hard wired that way. I promise that you won't miss anything. With the internet, it will all be there for you to take in at your pace when you are ready (or never ready). Take care of you (something I am just NOW learning myself). The rest is secondary.

Hugs (if hugs are okay).
I've cut news down to 1 hour a day. 30min local, 30min world. That's really about all I can take after the last 4 years, and the last year in particular has felt like 10.

Too much negativity to list, and I have to remind myself that I'm here, I still have work and things to be grateful for and focus on that.

COVID has been a bitch. I know that we'll get through it, but I am tired of going through it.

I really hope for a better 2021, not just for my own selfish reason,s but for ALL of us.
When Trump was in office (I love saying that in the past tense, BTW), MrsT would obsess over the news. She'd start with her favorite news source, then onto the next, then the next, until she'd cycled through the lot...then back to the beginning again. Neverending loop of reports on Trump's shenanigans, from 8AM until she went to bed at 11PM.

My habit was to check the online news over my lunch, then to watch the evening news report on TV, and that was that.

Her mental health was definitely affected, and she was worrying so much, she couldn't sleep half the time.

We'd gone to the doctor (for something unrelated), and when the doc was interviewing her, she (the doc) asked about her (MrsT's) media consumption, and we went over that, and then she asked me mine, and we talked about that, and she looked at my wife point-blank and said, "Do what he does or you'll go crazy."

Lasted all of three days. :)

So, yeah, either take a break, or just set up a time and say, "11AM-noon is my time for news, then that's it for the day."
The first thing I do when I log onto the internet each day is check the news. I read a few stories, then move on to my forums and stuff I do for work. I like to be informed, but I don't get obsessed by what's happening in the world.

This impeachment thing is going to be a must watch for me, politics interest me a lot, my wife left for work this morning and said to mr8, I hope you like CNN and fox Eli. Lmao.
Will the gop rid themselves completely?
I believe so. One million doses a day seems a bit much ??? That's a lot of doses.

This impeachment thing is going to be a must watch for me, politics interest me a lot, my wife left for work this morning and said to mr8, I hope you like CNN and fox Eli. Lmao.
Will the gop rid themselves completely?
I believe so. One million doses a day seems a bit much ??? That's a lot of doses.

Dems accumulating political capital for the future Biden hearings.
This will be endless as we accumulate to $40 trillion in debt.
Don't know why but watching news doesn't affect me negatively. I'm a news junkie. I watch maybe 4 hours a day double tasking with other things. I can easily have news channels on all day.
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We've reached the 100,000 figure here in "world-beating" Britain. In reality, we reached that number weeks ago. The true figure is more like 120,000 and that is probably a conservative estimate.

Bozo held a press conference yesterday and even muttered the word "sorry." It's hard to escape the feeling that the only person he feels sorry for is himself.
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