How much MacDonalds, KFC or other fast foods do you eat? Are you a fast-food junkie?

Gene Gibly

25 Apr 2013
Local time
4:45 PM
I like an occasional Chilli Chicken sandwich from MacDonalds, washed down with a chocolate shake - but never have a good feeling after I've eaten it and know it's not particularly high quality food, but are you a fast-food junkie or do you never touch the stuff?
I'm not averse to the odd MacDonalds - a Big Mac, fries and chocolate milkshake would be my choice. When I was coming back from visiting NT on a Sunday night, I'd often divert on the way home from the station and get that for dinner. Now I come home on a Monday afternoon, there's less temptation. NT and I do treat ourselves occasionally.

I know I'll love eating it, and feel stuffed quickly, but hungry again soon after. It's a rare treat.
Not too often at McD's nowadays. Usually only with Arch or when I am out and there is nothing else available.
My usual is a big mac meal with a coffee, sometimes a fillet of fish on the side, and maybe an apple pie.
When I was in my 20's my work lunch was often a big mac meal with banana milkshake, with a quarter pounder with cheese, and a fillet of fish, and an apple pie.

I still have a free coffee to collect....

I haven't been to a KFC since I heard about people finding badly healed broken bones in the chicken wings and legs. Didn't like the idea of the chickens being injured and suffering for my food.
However, many years ago I did once eat the whole a ten piece bargain bucket, with all the fries, baked beans, coleslaw, Vienetta dessert and half of the 2l bottle of cola all in one sitting, on my own, in the office, at work.

Haven't been to a Pizza Hut for a long time.
Do you guys know each other then? (Sorry to go a bit off-topic but you've both mentioned each other and I'm feeling nosey ... lol).
Off topic - yes they know each other... :wink: not far off moving in together, or could just still be talking about it, but on the cards IIRC...

As for fast food, not keen on the stuff... mind you now that I am allergic to dairy, even places like M&S are a major hazard for me! last time I was in a MacDonald I think was in Prague when it was still necessary to have a visa to get into what was then Czechoslovakia, so I think if I have the dates correct it would have been 1990... priot to that would have been in Heidelberg when I was at school over there - served beer to me which was fantastic! never been to a KFC.
Do you guys know each other then? (Sorry to go a bit off-topic but you've both mentioned each other and I'm feeling nosey ... lol).

Yeah, just a bit... We're engaged, as a matter of fact!

We 'met' over on one of Shaun's other forums, Cyclechat, and after a few meetings in real life decided we rather liked each other. Just as soon as the house renovations are suitably advanced, we'll be living together and setting a wedding date. Thank you Shaun!

Talking of Pizza Hut, as NT was, I noticed today they are billing "Have a slice of Pizza History" due to this being the 40th anniversary of the business. Oh crap, 40 years is 'history' now. I was born 4 years pre-historic!
I like an occasional Chilli Chicken sandwich from MacDonalds, washed down with a chocolate shake - but never have a good feeling after I've eaten it and know it's not particularly high quality food, but are you a fast-food junkie or do you never touch the stuff?

When I lived in the UK, I hardly ever ate fast food (say 3 times in 20 years) - only if someone else was paying :)

After a while of living in France, and hearing that France is McDonald's 2nd largest world market, I decided to do a bit of investigation, as the French are very fussy about food.

It seems McD's is so successful, because it adapts it's food in the country it is selling it to suit the 'needs' of the population. Hence if you have a burger in France, it will be infinitely better than a burger in the UK or USA - I've had this verified by an English friend, who says that McD's burgers here are "the best she has ever tasted" and she lived in the USA for 4 years :wink:
Avoid it like the plague, actually. I remember when McDonalds first opened in Telford, Shropshire about 30 years ago. Friends used to call around on Saturday nights, and the husbands would go off for a drink while we stayed in with the kids and sampled my home made wine.

They always brought a takeaway back with them - usually a Chinese - but when McDonalds opened, we decided to try it. As a joke, our friend bit into the polystyrene container and said 'I don't think much of this.' As it happened, the container probably had more taste than the burger, and I haven't been tempted since.

I must say I enjoy a pizza and salad at Pizza Hut, but I don't consider that to be fast food, as there's plenty of salad to go at.
When I was much younger I used to go to Pizza Hut when they had the free refill and 'fill the bowl as much as you can' salad bar. That was quite good. I took great pride in eating a lot of salad in lieu of ordering pizza. Learning how to get the maximum salad possible in the little bowl was great fun.
Yes, you can do a lot of bowl enlargement with strategic use of cucumber slices....
Cucumber slices?
You lightweight!:wink:
Two layers of lettuce leaves fanned out around the edge of the bowl with their stem ends held down with potatoes before careful loading with other salad while using carrot sticks as reinforcement rods across the layers and salad cream or mayo to 'glue' the loose salad together.
Wimpy's, back in the day, were the fast food of choice. A Wimpy with onions and tomato ketchup ended off a night on the sauce nicely. Nowadays I'm not so sure. Not had a Wimpy for years.
McDonald's..........nah. Too small, feeble bread roll and the texture is...................:sick: Iv;e had McD's a couple of times and both times only ate it because it would have been rude not to. KFC ? Don't like 'em (it ?)
Burger King ......If I had to have a ff burger it would one of these. At least they are more than a mouthful.
On the whole though I'll give it a miss.

Kebabs?? Oh dear God NOOOOOO! Rather a dead scabby rat than a kebab. Come to think of it that's pretty much what could be in them anyway.
I expect kebabs go hand-in-hand with copious amounts of alcohol for a lot of people ... it's about the only time they've every been anywhere near "interesting" on the fast food scale for me - otherwise they are at the avoid-like-the-plague end of the spectrum!!

The worst kind of kebab? The one that has been left in the kitchen overnight (because you've passed out from all the beer) and is warmed-up the next morning for breakfast ... :stop:
Re Kebabs.

I saw on TV some kind of demonstration of how much fat and grease was in a kg of (I assume) typical kebab meat. ...........Do you call it meat??
It was something approaching 50%
They just smell rank to me anyway.

I told my grand-daughter they were elephant legs to put her off wanting one.
Worked a treat. :thumbsup: :)
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