
Wannabe TV Chef
19 Nov 2021
Local time
9:51 PM
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
Mrs. Next Door Neighbor has been hosting BYOB Cocktail Hour Parties on her rather large front patio.
I’ve been trying to take over Finger Foods. Here’s an idea:

Basic Mini Cheese Balls​


8 oz. Cream Cheese, room temperature
2 Tbsp. Butter, room temperature
2 tsp. Lemon Juice
dash Worcestershire Sauce
dash of Hot Sauce (I didn’t have any, so I used a pinch of Cayenne Pepper)
1/8 tsp freshly ground Black Pepper


Chuck it all into a mixer, Stand or Handheld, and blend until smooth

That’s the basic part, now comes the different flavors …

Divide the Cream Cheese mixture evenly between three bowls

Bacon & Ranch – stir in 2 oz. shredded Swiss Cheese and 1/3 Tbsp. dry Ranch Dressing Mix to the Cream Cheese mix; in a separate bowl, mix approx. 5 oz. finely crumbled Bacon (I bought pre-made Bacon Bites in the Salad Dressing Aisle) along with 1/3 Tbsp. dried Parsley, set aside

Garlic & Herb – stir in 2 oz. finely grated Parmesan Cheese to the Cream Cheese mix, 1 Garlic Clove finely minced, 3/4 tsp. dried Oregano, 1/3 tsp. dried Parsley, a good pinch each of dried Thyme, Dill Weed, Basil and fresh ground Black Pepper; in a separate bowl add about 1/3 C. dried Chopped Chives (fresh is fine too, whichever you have), set aside

Toasted Pecan & Dried Cranberry – stir in 2 oz. Sharp White Cheddar Cheese to the Cream Cheese mix; in a separate bowl mix 1/3 C. each finely Chopped Pecans & Dried Cranberries, set aside

Line a rimmed sheet pan with some foil; using a teaspoon disher aka cookie scoop, scoop out equal amounts of the Cream Cheese Mixture from each bowl in to their accompanying “dip”, coating each cheese ball well. Shape/roll each in your hand to fairly uniform balls.
Place them all on the sheet pan, and cover tightly with another sheet of foil.
Stash in the `fridge for at least one hour, longer is best and serve with either a Pretzel Stick stuck in each Mini Cheese Ball or on a neutral flavored Cracker.
I went with the Pretzel Sticks for my final service presentation, it just makes it less stressful with a group of folks.

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I needed to conduct a quality check...


Very good indeed!
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