Missing members?

If I disappear without word it is 95% likely that I'll be dead.

I tried that "App" that assesses what you will look like in 10 years time....

Funny, same here. My issues are:

1. I hate my job. I really, truly, deeply-in-my-soul hate my job, but I'm only a few years out from retirement, and we need the health insurance, so "hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work I go..."

2. Much of this year has been spent dealing with health issues - cataract surgery in both eyes for the wife, then in the midst of some undiagnosed ENT thing, she had a heart attack, and on top of that, she's a terrible patient. She obsesses over every little thing ("should I or should I not put a band-aid over the spot where they did my heart cath?" - that was a 40 minute discussion yesterday), and I'm to the point where I'm just so exhausted talking about bruises and congestion and aches and pains and "this doesn't feel right" and "that feels funny" and doctor this and nurse that and hospital this other thing and picking up prescriptions without end and having to think about insurance and sitting on the phone with them and clueless clinic staff...enough already! I just want a normal conversation with somebody for a change, y'know? 😕

3. Lots of money has gone out the door in the last couple of months, from a $1K house repair to a $1K car repair to about $2K for fetching MrsTasty from Detroit. Thankfully, we're not skint, but just the psychological aspect of it all wears me down after a while, exacerbated by the wife, who does act like we're one emergency from living on the street in the best of times.

For both of us, though, the next 90 days are the best of the whole year, so hoping that helps.

Well I'm slightly different, but the same. :eek:

I love my job, at least the background, hands on aspect of it. Hate the bull**** politicky, officey garbage that we have to put up with and the endless ability of management to put barriers in the way of me doing my job.

As much as I enjoy my job, like you I am only 2years 6 months away from retirement, 4 if I can stand it. It's so close I can almost taste it!
Well I'm slightly different, but the same. :eek:

I love my job, at least the background, hands on aspect of it. Hate the bull**** politicky, officey garbage that we have to put up with and the endless ability of management to put barriers in the way of me doing my job.

As much as I enjoy my job, like you I am only 2years 6 months away from retirement, 4 if I can stand it. It's so close I can almost taste it!

I used to work in an office with guys and chicks. I hated the bitching that went on with the girls. I tried to stay Swiss. But I know what you mean.

Dealing with chickens,
yep - spent Saturday dealing with that, then on the way home, a motorcyclist came off his bike whilst doing 90-100kph in front of me. After all of that was dealt with (he was walking wounded, nothing serious which was rather good given how far we were from anything including phone reception to even consider an ambulance from that non-existent hospital with an emergency department...) we ended up having our evening meal in a park rather than at home (we had packed a picnic lunch with enough for the what if...) and whilst feeding and watering the new chicken the sodding thing escaped my clutches... it took 90 minutes of slowly rounding it up, getting it to settle under a park bench and then us literally taking half a step closer when it was looking at the other one and repeat... eventually I got close enough to the bench that I couldn't see it and was relying on hand movements from hubby. we'd been silent the whole time literally signing to each other. I finally grabbed it by its tail and hung on for dear life this time... all of its tail feather, not the best place to grab a chook but I was behind it and it was under the bench... not much choice. and by heck can she scream that bird can. everyone in the park thought someone was being murdered and you could see people in the campground on the other side of the river on the other side of the football pitch starting to turn around and stare trying to see what was going on. Hubby said nothing to me all way home. But we did get to see some HUGE fruit bats whilst we were waiting for her to settle. She didn't get anymore food or water after that until we got home which given it was 32C at the time and still 22C when we got home was a long time for her to go without water.

then the automated door to let the chooks out has broken. looks like the motor has failed which a problem because it is part of the motherboard for the door so can't be replaced. It's not cheap, so I am back to propping open an automatic door and right now it is raining and I don't want to have to go and lock them up! Grrr
I used to work in an office with guys and chicks. I hated the bitching that went on with the girls. I tried to stay Swiss. But I know what you mean.


I was lucky with the few "corporate" jobs I worked. When I worked in the software industry, I answered directly to the CEO, so I didn't HAVE to deal with middle managers. I'm still in touch with that CEO some 25 years later.

My jobs in publishing (car magazines) were the same. I answered to the publisher. He had a habit of micro-managing, but he trusted my judgement, so all I had to do was give him the old "hairy-eyeball" look, and he left me alone. We are still friends, too.

Most of my adult life, I have been self-employed. Lots of "freedom," including freedom from a regular paycheck. No sick leave. No paid vacations. Instead of "managers," I have to deal with "customers." Some of them are GREAT! Some are... not so great. :headshake:

I don't really want to "retire." I just want to have enough money to tell the "not so great" customers that I am "too busy" to do their jobs. That, or send them estimates that are stupid high. :wink::whistling:

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