Recipe Peppers with Toasted Breadcrumbs and Capers (Sicilian-style)


Forum GOD!
17 Feb 2017
Local time
11:56 AM
Milano, Italy

Cooked in a pan or baked with toasted bread crumbs and capers, these peppers ‘ca muddica‘ – bread crumbs in Sicilian dialect – is a classic Sicilian side-dish perfect to pair both with meat and fish dishes.

Yellow and red peppers are usually used because they are sweeter than the green ones and served cold.

Serves 2, Preparation time 10 mins, Cooking time about 25 mins

  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 1 red pepper
  • 200 g bread crumbs from stale bread
  • 3 spoons of grated Pecorino cheese
  • Desalted capers, a handful
  • Garlic clove, 1
  • EVOO – Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 2 tbsp
  • salt and black pepper, a pinch
  • dried oregano, 1 tablespoon

Cut peppers in half, remove the white part and seeds and cut them into strips.

Blend the stale bread in a mixer to get a coarse crumb. If you do not have a mixer, just grate it.

In a bowl season bread crumbs with oregano – or even chopped parsley – grated Pecorino cheese, desalted capers, a pinch of salt and pepper and mix everything.

In a frying pan, brown the garlic clove in 2 tablespoons of EVOO, then add cut peppers and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes or at least until they are soft, covered with a lid. Stir occasionally, remove garlic.

Add the flavoured bread crumbs to the peppers and cook over high heat for a few mins until the crumbs are crunchy.

Serve warm or even cold.
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