Plans for today (2019-2022)

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Busy day today - Marc's (grocery), ALDI (mums on sale), and Sam's Club...and none of them are near one another.
Flying down to Houston today. My sister and I will be getting our parents ready to move within the next couple of weeks. My sister is kind of running the show, since she lives down there. That's likely to make things harder than they need to be. She gets frustrated easily. Add the stress of bing a Hospital nurse during Covid, and she's loaded for bear.

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The leftover rain from Hurricane Ida has hit here. So, the outdoor things I'd hoped to do are being sent to later in this week.

I am planning on testing out some egg recipes - I tried one for breakfast and while it was decent, I want to work on the concept further. I may also try one or two other things.

I also want to work on befriending the juvenile chickens in the basement - four pullets will be going to a friend of mine for her own egg production scheme, and she wants them to also be pets.

Some (sadly-neglected) housework as well.
Here I am, sat on the front porch, mug of tea, it's raining gently, 68F/20C, and it's just perfect out here.

MrsT woke up and found me out on the porch, came out and asked, "What're you doing out here?"

"Having my tea, it's wonderful out!"

😒 - turns on her heel and goes back inside. 😆

I mentioned elsewhere, making the 75-minute drive to my folks solo today. They're excited to show me their new house, moving after 50 years. Of course, they don't officially have the keys yet, but that hasn't stopped them from dragging two lawn chairs over there for the back porch. They go over most days and just sit out back for a while, and Mom will say, "I sure wish we had them keys..." 😀
Perhaps lounge by our private pool and drink fizz.

Another day getting things ready for my parents to move. More sorting to do. Today or tomorrow, we need to sort the kitchen stuff. Their current kitchen is HUGE. Their new kitchen is small. Plus, they have a dining room at the new place with an Executive chef, and there is a "bistro" that has coffee, sandwiches, ice cream and baked goods. I walked past the bistro the other day, and the smells were very tempting.

Oh, and while TVC is sipping a drink by his private pool, I'll be cleaning my parent's pool. I can't wait to fire their pool service when they move. :ninja:They do a half-baked job. They didn't even show up this week.

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