Plans for today (2019-2022)

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Well, this was a kick in the head...

I decided to make some quick cookies from a box mix I got on the cheap.

Read the back, preheated the oven, let the butter sit out to soften, cracked in an egg, plopped in the butter, opened the box mix...and the damn bag was opened from end-to-end. 😠

I don't make cookies, well, ever, so I had to grab a basic cookbook, do a quick scan for sugar cookies, quickly read the ingredients, yep, yep, yep got all that, mixed it together, then read a little farther..."chill three hours." Ok, not having cookies anytime soon.

Gathered it together, threw it in the fridge, read a little further..."makes 65 2-inch cookies." I really don't need 65 cookies.

Now I'm digging through stuff, seeing if I can find some Christmas cookie cutters that my MIL gave me about 20 years ago. And I suppose I need to frost them.

This was supposed to be simple cookies from a box mix, now it's a whole thing!
I guess those who start Christmas early perhaps don't have Christmas birthdays? Not only do I have a Christmas birthday, but so does my brother, and my brother-in-law (same day as mine) and there is also a Christmas wedding anniversary.

I started having a half birthday a number of years ago before moving to Australia. It has helped separate birthday from Christmas but there's this thing called Christmas in July in Australia so they can celebrate Christmas with snow... I can't win (but at least my half birthday is in June)
All in all, a pretty good day today. I went out for breakfast and the two cutie-pie waitresses took good care of me, calling me "darlin'" and "honey" several times. Kinda weird when 20yo's call you honey.

Then I took the long way home, filled up with gas, brought the wife a cinnamon roll, and stored the window screens for the winter.

Back out for a doughnut and coffee, where the guy in front of me took the absolute longest time to order two regular coffees, then realized he didn't have his wallet with him.

After that, off to meet my brother for lunch. He's an absolute delight. Naturally funny in his commentary and mannerisms, and he caught me up on all the family gossip and made eyes at the bartender who was probably 30 years younger than him. When I told him "in your dreams, old man," he replied with, "Old horndogs never die, we just flop over helplessly, never to get up again." :laugh:

By that time, it had started raining, but I stopped at Kroger to get dog food for one of my girls and salad for the other. :)

Then, just a couple of miles from my house, it turned to sleet, but I stopped at this little old-fashioned general store-type place and bought a handful of candies to finish off the wife's advent calendar. Razzles and candy necklaces, Bottle Caps and candy cigarettes (which I thought they had stopped making entirely) are all just waiting on December 1st.

Now I'm just sitting in the house and waiting on the snow. Should be here any time.
I have a fantastic flu 🥵🥶🤧🤒, thus all my plans are in stand by....
Do hope you feel better soon.

My plans for today are not what I would like them to be. I'd like to be in the garden whilst the weather is cool enough in the morning to be out. Instead I'm in the city trying to kill a morning (7:30am to 12:30pm) whilst Hubby is at work. Then this afternoon I'm hospital for a nerve block on my shoulder. I tore a rotator cuff muscle in my shoulder back in August, but I don't want surgery on it, so I'm hoping that the nerve block (which lasts about 18 months) will give it time to heal.

Tomorrow I should be able to be back in the garden. Fingers crossed
I guess those who start Christmas early perhaps don't have Christmas birthdays? Not only do I have a Christmas birthday, but so does my brother, and my brother-in-law (same day as mine) and there is also a Christmas wedding anniversary.

I started having a half birthday a number of years ago before moving to Australia. It has helped separate birthday from Christmas but there's this thing called Christmas in July in Australia so they can celebrate Christmas with snow... I can't win (but at least my half birthday is in June)

We have mid winter Xmas as well. I love it!

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