Recent Site Outage


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
7:02 AM
SE Australia
The recent site outage was as a result of an alleged copyright violation of a recipe. Yep, I know what you are thinking and so am I. I appreciate that none of us are lawyers and I doubt it would stand up in court, but our hosts (the company who we pay to host the site) decided to close the site down because a 3rd party alleged a copyright violation whilst I was in hospital (and I missed the notification because my body was busy trying to kill me at the time). I don't have the experience to be able to fight this, nor do I have the money to hire a lawyer to help, so I can only do as they ask and remove any content that is alleged to be in violation.

I need all members to be especially careful when posting recipes to ensure that you do not copy copyrighted content.
Such content includes (but is probably not limited to), the words in the description and method and all photos.

So when posting a recipe from elsewhere, please make it clear, add the references and do not under any circumstances use the site's photos (they are clearly copyrighted), and reword the method/steps/description in your own words.
I also ask that you look back over any previous recipes you have posted and check that nothing could potentially cause problems again. If you are in any doubt, please edit the recipe and make the words your own. If you can't edit the post because of a time limit having expired, please report the post and we will look in to it.
First, I'm so sorry that you're going through your own battle then have this thrown on top. I hope you get well soon!

Second, I'm glad CB is back up, I thought I was banned, lol.

Take care of yourself, SatNavSaysStraightOn. Sending all the positive thoughts and vibes your way!

My first thought when I saw the message, "Your account has been suspended" was "What did I do now?" :laugh:

For reference: if there are personal account problems on CB you would actually still see CB and would still be able to browse through the site just not be able to post (and you would see loads of adverts as well). Just log out and you'll see what I mean.
If you can't actually access a site at all, then it is a site issue if you can access other sites that is. If everything is not available, I would tactfully suggest you check your internet connection! lol :laugh:

Anyhow, those of you whose email addresses I was able to locate (mostly through old emails and donation logs) you will now have my contact details (which is a pretty easy email address!).... I just ask that you don't distribute it please. Those who didn't get an email, assuming that you want updates, just PM me your email address and I will hold a list on my personal laptop as a backup.
I'm so happy we're back, but I do have to admit that I started racking my brains wondering if I'd posted any obscene photos, (like, Kanye West's wife on a boat), recipes from The White House Cookbook , or lyrics from Jamie Oliver's latest album.
I will scour any recipes I've posted on here, SatNavSaysStraightOn, just in case . hope you're on the mend!
I'm so happy we're back, but I do have to admit that I started racking my brains wondering if I'd posted any obscene photos, (like, Kanye West's wife on a boat), recipes from The White House Cookbook , or lyrics from Jamie Oliver's latest album.
I will scour any recipes I've posted on here, SatNavSaysStraightOn, just in case . hope you're on the mend!

Seems theres some wicked people on here lol.

Oh and SatNavSaysStraightOn
Hope you feeling better?

Technically, even the comics and memes we post in "What made you smile lately" could be violations of copyright law. But, the copyright owners don't bother with it as long as someone isn't making money off of it. SatNav is definitely not profiting from this forum -- she's subsidizing it.

My recipes are either all mine, or substantially altered recipes by someone else.

The safest way to post someone else's recipe is probably to post a link to the original recipe on their website/blog.

One thing that bugs me, though, is that when I look up a recipe idea online, I find the exact same recipe on five or more websites/blogs. Who's recipe is it? 🤷‍♂️

One thing that bugs me, though, is that when I look up a recipe idea online, I find the exact same recipe on five or more websites/blogs. Who's recipe is it?
Yeah, let's have a campaign to copyright beans on toast or better still spaghetti with a tomato sauce and....

As far as I could tell, there was nothing in the post concerned that was an issue except the possibility that the method/steps were a word for word copy. The member correctly referenced the original (which may have actually been the cause of the problem) and provided their own photos. All I can assume is that the person concerned wants to make money from it. For 1 that won't happen, I don't have any, and 2, I'm not in a country the actually has signed up to the DMCA that they were citing. But the company who we pay to host our site is in that country and appears to have decided that recipes can be copyrighted. Curiously though they never actually stayed what in the post was the problem, just that the post was an issue.
What is even more weird is that it wasn't a negative post or an "its OK" post on the recipe but actually positive. It's sad really but that's the reality of some people.
@SatNavSaysStraightOn, just in case . hope you're on the mend

Hope you feeling better?
I'm recovering slowly. There was no obvious cause for the adrenal crisis which if left untreated will be fatal, so there are more tests to follow and I actually haven't yet left home since I got back. I'm not 100%, to be honest I'm not 50% yet. I still need to sleep way more than I should be, and am still having issues eating, but I can manage fruit which means the current challenge ingredient is going to get hammered! Strawberry gazpacho anyone?
I'm recovering slowly. There was no obvious cause for the adrenal crisis which if left untreated will be fatal, so there are more tests to follow and I actually haven't yet left home since I got back. I'm not 100%, to be honest I'm not 50% yet. I still need to sleep way more than I should be, and am still having issues eating, but I can manage fruit which means the current challenge ingredient is going to get hammered! Strawberry gazpacho anyone?
Well you certainly have a laid back attitude to it. :)

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