Recipe Sùgoli, Grape Must Puddings


Forum GOD!
17 Feb 2017
Local time
6:59 AM
Milano, Italy

Serves 6, Preparation time 10 min, Cooking 20 mins+Store in the fridge 2 hrs

  • 1 kg Red or White grape
  • 2-4 tablespoons of Italian flour type 00 / All Purpose flour / Plain flour
  • Addition of 1 tablespoons of corn flour – optional
  • Sugar, depending on your taste or at most 1 tablespoon


Wash and remove the grape berries from the stems.
Put the berries in a saucepan on the stove, cook them on low heat until they are soft reduced into a mush – it will take about 20 minutes. Do not add water. Crush them a little with a fork during cooking.

Put everything in a sieve to remove the skins and any seeds and collect the juice.

Pour the juice into a heavy-bottomed steel saucepan, put it over the heat and bring juice to boil, then lower the heat, add sifted flour a little at a time, stir continuosly with a whisk to prevent lumps from forming and to prevent the mixture from sticking to the bottom. If you got lumps, pass it all through a very fine mesh strainer. Keep stirring over low heat for about 10-15 mins until it has a firm consistency.

Tip: sugar is usually not put since grape is already sweet, however if you want it, just add it after putting the flour in the grape must and before boiling.

Turn off the heat, pour the sauce into single-portion moulds such as silicone muffins or even ceramic ramekins. Allow to cool down at room temperature, then put in the fridge for 2 hours.

Serve by leaving them inside ceramic ramekins or by removing them on plates.

Tip: if you want to enjoy them by you can’t get any grapes, use a simple bottled grape juice.
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