Show me your breakfast

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Scottish Oats with sliced dates and almonds with a drizzle of bourbon-barrel-aged maple syrup. Partially inspired by Morning Glory in the "what is it?" Thread. Naturally hers was prettier LOL
Latest attempt at the perfect soft-boiled egg. Last time, 6 minutes yielded a perfectly cooked white and just a little cooked yolk, so I went 5:45 and got a perfectly cooked yolk, but a slightly runny white:


Next test will be using The Yorky Method, which is still required reading at The Academy*.

*completely incongruous Star Trek:TOS joke
Don’t worry, somewhere on the internet is a US-based cooking forum with several British members, and every time one of them posts some sloppy scrambled eggs, the American mod says, “Those are all wrong, bucko!” :laugh:
That person would not be me. I like moist and sloppy...eggs.
This is currently my usual breakfast...

Muesli/granola with soya yoghurt (homemade) and either blueberries or raspberries if it is the weekend

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It comes served with a black coffee freshly made in the French press/cafetière.
I bought a box of Swiss-made muesli not long ago that I’m really looking forward to.
I bought a box of Swiss-made muesli not long ago that I’m really looking forward to.
Mine is Dorset Cereals Berry Granola. It disappeared off the shelves for nearly 3 months and has only just returned luckily as we were down to our last 2 boxes. Hubby had stocked up prior to his opp when they had been half price. I was beginning to think we'd not see it again and there is nothing similar that doesn't have milk powder added to it (that I actually like that is)....
I bought potatoes yesterday for the first time in about a month, so I made a breakfast hash with sauteed peppers, onions, and mushrooms and over-easy eggs on top. No pics. It never looks pretty (caseydog's breakfast looks quite nice).

Oh, garlichead: I used beef fat to cook the potatoes and veges in.
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