The CookingBites recipe challenge: hard squash

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
7:08 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Welcome to the CookingBites recipe challenge. The current challenge ingredient was hard squash* and medtran49 is our judge. To enter, all you need to do is post a recipe** which uses squash, tag it cookingbites recipe challenge and post a link to it in this thread. The winner becomes the judge for the next challenge. You may post up to 6 entries. Deadline: midnight (close of day) Wednesday 29th November UK time (GMT). Detailed challenge rules can be found here.

* Butternut, spaghetti, acorn, kabocha, buttercup, calabaza, hubbard, delicata, plus any local to you hard squash.
** recipes must be posted within the time frame of the challenge but could be recipes you have made in the past, so long as they haven't already been posted on the forum as a recipe thread.
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I’ll admit, I don’t like squash, but that just means I have to find a treatment I do like, starting with a squash cocktail!

That seems a bit of a challenge. I didn't used to like squash but I've found combining it with sharp, spicy, bitter or citrus ingredients transforms it from being a bit frumpy to rather sassy.
I’ll admit, I don’t like squash, but that just means I have to find a treatment I do like, starting with a squash cocktail!
Either do I, but it is a good ingredient choice for most people... I think.


Have either of you tried roasted hard squash? It has a texture more like roasted potatoes and I'm pretty sure both of you like those. Then there's spaghetti squash, which is either roasted or nuked like in this recipe Recipe - Stuffed spaghetti squash , then a fork is used to scrape out the threads of squash; thus, the name of spaghetti squash.

We have made empanadas with a filling of roasted butternut squash cubes, roasted and peeled poblano peppers, smoked gouda, carmelized onions as main ingredients. Craig also made a dipping sauce with cilantro, lime juice, garlic, and some other things I can't remember. The filling was originally a savory pie filling from a local bakery that has since gone out of business.
Have either of you tried roasted hard squash? It has a texture more like roasted potatoes and I'm pretty sure both of you like those. Then there's spaghetti squash, which is either roasted or nuked like in this recipe Recipe - Stuffed spaghetti squash , then a fork is used to scrape out the threads of squash; thus, the name of spaghetti squash.

We have made empanadas with a filling of roasted butternut squash cubes, roasted and peeled poblano peppers, smoked gouda, carmelized onions as main ingredients. Craig also made a dipping sauce with cilantro, lime juice, garlic, and some other things I can't remember. The filling was originally a savory pie filling from a local bakery that has since gone out of business.

I do like spaghetti squash used as you would pasta spaghetti.

I love hard squashes... I just don't know what the availability will be heading into summer!
I do know I have 1 of last winters harvest from my own garden, if it has survived 3 weeks with me not checking on it. It's in a room that gets quite hot if life has been sunny at home and with my internet down I've not had access to the weather station to see what's been going on.
I'm stocked up with squash (and one crown pumpkin). I've at least 6 ideas for entries already. Squash is so versatile!

Why is it you don't like pumpkin but do like squash medtran49? I'm hard pushed to tell the difference.

I enjoy a slice or 2 of pumpkin pie on occasion, as long as it's made from roasted fresh sugar pie pumpkin and doesn't have too much cinnamon; but a slice or 2 is enough until the next year, and i don't miss it if I don't get it. Can't stand the taste of canned pumpkin (even though most is some kind of hard squash supposedly). To be fair though, the only canned vegetable I will eat is hominy or rarely corn, and tomatoes of course, though they are technically fruit. Plus, i have a mild allergy to pumpkin and it makes me itch. Lastly and certainly mostly, the pervasiveness of pumpkin pie spice smells everywhere that started a few weeks ago. I get to the point of almost gagging in some places.

Hard squashes don't taste like pumpkin does to me, or Craig either for that matter.
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