The CookingBites recipe challenge: processed canned/tinned luncheon meat


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
6:19 AM
Ohio, US
Welcome to the CookingBites recipe challenge. The current challenge ingredient is processed canned/tinned luncheon meat* and kaneohegirlinaz is our judge. To enter, all you need to do is post a recipe** which uses a processed canned/tinned luncheon meat product, tag it cookingbites recipe challenge and post a link to it in this thread. The winner becomes the judge for the next challenge. You may post up to 6 entries. Deadline: midnight (close of day) Friday 19th January UK time (GMT). Detailed challenge rules can be found here.

* consists of products such as SPAM®️, Treet®️, and the like, as well a vegan alternatives like Omni™️, and tofu-derived vegan versions.
** recipes must be posted within the time frame of the challenge but could be recipes you have made in the past, so long as they haven't already been posted on the forum as a recipe thread.

To all of Cookingbites community, if you are not familiar with luncheon meat type foods, may I humbly suggest
I have several recipes in my saved box that I'll be getting to.
Did you perhaps pop in while I was still setting it up? I have a beautiful, luxurious picture of some canned luncheon meat gliding across the top roll as I type!
So canned tuna or chicken is acceptable?
Am I the only one here who’s been to the home of SPAM (Hormel, in Austin, Minnesota)…not once, but twice?

Enjoy a virtual tour of their SPAM museum here:

SPAM® Museum in Minnesota | SPAM® Brand
On my bucket list there buddy!
Ah but wait!

Have you been to the Spam Jam in Waikiki?
We were back home in May of 2015 and were lucky enough to attend.
The City shuts down the main boulevard going through Waikiki for different events and this was no exception.
I got to sample a brand new "flavor" of Spam prior to it's market release ...


They had a contest of sorts and this was the winner by a local Chef, Spam Cupcake ... it wasn't bad actually.
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I was wondering what kind of Hawaiian food K-Girl would choose. I did not see SPAM® coming. :eek:

I hope people take this as an opportunity to have a little fun with something that is NOT, by any means, culinary excellence.

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...may I humbly suggest

NO! What's the point of a Challenge if we all post recipes from We are creative people who cook. We can do better than that!

BTW, would things like Vienna Sausages qualify? How about an old fashioned canned ham? Or, canned corned beef? How much latitude do we have?

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NO! What's the point of a Challenge if we all post recipes from We are creative people who cook. We can do better than that!

BTW, would things like Vienna Sausages qualify? How about an old fashioned canned ham? Or, canned corned beef? How much latitude do we have?

True dat DAWG! I thought for those of us who might need some inspiration ....
And NO ... it's not Luncheon Meat type products, although I do love me my Vienna Sausage, but no.
And canned ham, corned beef, again NO.
BTW, gosh, I haven't seen canned Ham in for ever! At least here in Cowboyville Arizona anyways ...
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