The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Meh that's too hot for anything
It's only going to get hotter. Tomorrow is forecast to be 42°C, Friday 40°C and Saturday had come down to 44°C.
We've booked the cinema for Saturday afternoon. I'm out tomorrow morning and may just stay in town and go shopping instead or go to a museum... Friday I need to be out in the morning and we've chicks anytime from now to Sunday really that must be separated from mum for 2 reasons, the first being she is unfortunately sitting on 2 broods, a week apart because if problems with the other bantam going broody then deciding not to be... and 2, she's a lousy mum. Her chicks are always feral and we can't handle them which I hate, but this was her 5th attempt this season at being broody and this time we couldn't stop it, so add soon as eggs hatch, they will have to be removed from her.
Blooming weather - how do you give a kick up the a*se to something you can't even see...
Today's max temperature.


Unfortunately the wind has done a 180° turn and blown thick dense bush fire smoke in so we can't open any windows to cool down either!
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Every year the company we work for do a raffle, people donate stuff, anything given by supplies goes in. This year we raised over £300.00 for LOROS, the boss is adding to it to make it £400.00. Really pleased by that :thumbsup:
SatNavSaysStraightOn I have been watching the news OMG :ohmy: :(
Yeah, it's not good. The fire rating for tomorrow is catastrophic. That's the highest level of the 6 levels.

We're taking a suitcase and heading into the city for the afternoon to watch the new star wars film. It will be safer there and it's air conditioning. We'll have a meal out I think. But I've got chicks hatching tomorrow (they have pipped today) and I need to remove them from their mum because she is sitting on 2 clutches which makes life difficult. Where they are meant to go will be too hot in the afternoon... they'll have to come all the way into the house otherwise they'll die.

Smoke is also making things bad here. Today I turned off for my road and there is a 800m straight section before a 90 degree bend and it wasn't until over half along that I could see the mountain I needed to climb! Visibility is bad, air quality that bad we don't go outside without a mask on. Our masks are rated gp2 which is gas and particulates size 2 (2 is smaller than 1). It's suitable for spraying liquid insecticide... at least I can't smell the smoke through it and it does control my asthma but I'm using my nebuliser 3 times a day right now to control my asthma. Something I've never had to do before. :(

Fingers crossed things don't go bad tomorrow. Lightning is forecast and if it is dry lightning which summer storms often are the fires are only going to get much worse.
The wife and I have determined we're now too old to indulge in good food and drink to the extent we did last night.

Once we got home from our Christmas meal frolics, I went to bed and went straight to the guest room, mainly because I knew she'd be up for a while and I didn't want her waking me when she came to bed.

Once we were both up this morning, I asked how she slept. "Awful! I've been up since 3AM, just tossing and turning. I couldn't get comfortable."

"Funny, I've been awake since about 2AM, same thing."

Now, neither of us felt sick, just a general uncomfortableness with sleeping; no doubt, all that digestion going on.

The thing is, in years past, when we've gone out for our Christmas dinner, we've always done the whole thing - cocktails, starter, salad course, main with sides, bread, dessert & coffee, no issues plowing through the whole thing. We'd feel pleasantly stuffed, but nothing else.

This year, not only did we skip dessert and coffee, we ate only half our entrees, and then we still felt stuffed and had trouble sleeping.

I think our age is catching up to us!
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