The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Google Brian May sometime. He also built his own electric guitar with the help of his dad. That's pretty amazing as well. He is rather brilliant, and good natured as well!
I will later. I need to go out and get a few things. Organic veges mainly. The carrots are amazing that I'm getting atm. Fuji apples as well.

Back from my holidays in the south of Portugal. We were unlucky with the weather (many days were cloudy and not as hot as I expected), but I still had a great time relaxing on the beach.



Last night, DH & I were chatting before falling asleep and he tells me that the payment from my Mother's insurance company still has not been deposited to her checking ... that some big money! $xx, xxx.xxUSD ...
(DH is in charge of finances, paying bills etc for both our household and Mom's)

Moi: Uuuummm, that was months ago that it should have gone into her account and you're only telling me this now?
Moi: No, no you didn't ... do you still have that paper work in her file that we keep?

Okay, so we had doctor's appointments all morning long today, but as soon as we got back home I went to work.

Moi: DH, could you give me all of that paperwork for Mom so that I can call to the insurance company I figure this out?
(I do business for Mom, she's not capable any longer)


I took a deep breath, made lunch, asked him to come sit down and eat.
As he did this, I went searching and found the paperwork that I needed.
I also went online to look at Mom's checking account myself to confirm that the check had indeed not been deposited ...
I found the paperwork right where I told that it was (he did even go look there) and found the electronic deposit to Mom's account on the date that it was suppose to be ... back in MAY!!!

DH: Now how did I miss all of this? Gimme kisses, you're such a smart girl


Not sure if I need to slowly start taking his responsibilities from him...
Amazingly my poorly chook has not only made it through her first night, but today as well and decided she wants to roost on a perch tonight rather than the ground. rather is looking a little better in that the grey colour in her wattle and comb seems to have vanished. She's not really eating but I have managed to tease 1½ syringes (5ml) of sugar water into her at regular intervals throughout the day. 5ml seems to be her maximum, which when done 1 drop of water at a time is painfully slow, but she is looking more perky.
Time will tell I guess.
She is in the house, visible from the sofa but not too close to be too warm from the fire, but in a stable temperature environment, not the 4°C is it outside already!
Unfortunately I celebrated my birthday a few days ago by going out for an evening stroll, tripping on some uneven pavement, falling down and breaking my ankle. My husband will probably be doing most of the cooking for a while - I can’t stand for very long. It’s harder to learn to use crutches than I thought!
Unfortunately I celebrated my birthday a few days ago by going out for an evening stroll, tripping on some uneven pavement, falling down and breaking my ankle. My husband will probably be doing most of the cooking for a while - I can’t stand for very long. It’s harder to learn to use crutches than I thought!

Yeah, I had crutches once for a broken toe. I gave up after about two days, and just hobbled.

Yeah, I had crutches once for a broken toe. I gave up after about two days, and just hobbled.

They didn't give me crutches for my broken toe, just an open-toed boot.
Unfortunately I celebrated my birthday a few days ago by going out for an evening stroll, tripping on some uneven pavement, falling down and breaking my ankle. My husband will probably be doing most of the cooking for a while - I can’t stand for very long. It’s harder to learn to use crutches than I thought!
Yikes, that’s awful! I hope you’re on the mend soon.
Unfortunately I celebrated my birthday a few days ago by going out for an evening stroll, tripping on some uneven pavement, falling down and breaking my ankle. My husband will probably be doing most of the cooking for a while - I can’t stand for very long. It’s harder to learn to use crutches than I thought!

Oh my! Are you in plaster? I feel for you as I once broke my ankle so badly it needed a long operation. I'm mostly made of metal in that ankle now.
I've been putting this off, but I thought some of you would like to know that Teddy, AKA: PsychoPoodle passed away a week ago. He had cancer, and it took a turn for the worse, so after talking to my family, and consulting with Teddy's veterinarian, I had him put down.

Please don't feel sorry for Teddy, or for me. Teddy had a good life, and I have a lot of good memories of him -- many of them very funny memories. His nickname PsychoPoodle was both accurate, and am endless source of entertainment for me. In a lot of ways, he was a canine version of me.

The last photo taken of Teddy, by his dog sitter while I was out of town a few weeks ago.


I've been putting this off, but I thought some of you would like to know that Teddy, AKA: PsychoPoodle passed away a week ago. He had cancer, and it took a turn for the worse, so after talking to my family, and consulting with Teddy's veterinarian, I had him put down.

Please don't feel sorry for Teddy, or for me. Teddy had a good life, and I have a lot of good memories of him -- many of them very funny memories. His nickname PsychoPoodle was both accurate, and am endless source of entertainment for me. In a lot of ways, he was a canine version of me.

The last photo taken of Teddy, by his dog sitter while I was out of town a few weeks ago.

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I feel for you. I went through this with the beautiful Sega in 2020. He wasn't yet 4 so it was very sad.

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