What are you wearing today (2020-2023)?

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Typically I wear shorts or a short skirt plus a short sleeve or sleeveless top all year round - sometimes jeans. When it gets colder I wear opaque tights (often in bright colours or patterned/lacy) or over the knee socks (the latter shown below) and a light bolero or cardigan if required. No winter wardrobe to speak of except some boots and a coat. Earrings are my thing - as some here know, I once posted an 'earring of the day' on another forum, with a different pair of earrings each day for a year. So I have at least 365 pairs. The ones below on the skirt are mother of pearl fish.


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I'll start my "earring of the day"... or maybe "earring of the week" exhibition on this forum right now.
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Cloudberries are wonderful Nordic berries which grown in marshlands - mainly up North - but you can find a few near our summer cottage, too. They are quite sour and really hard-pitted so I prefer using a sieved jam found in supermarkets. Cloudberries go well with unripened (cream) cheese and ice cream.

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I'm like that with socks.

It's quite chilly this morning. Didn't get the promised hard freeze, but we did get a good frost. It was 33F/1C when I got up to let the dog out, so that calls for some proper flannels:

The socks came from a little woolen shop in Donegal.

Gorgeous socks!
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