What did you cook or eat today (June 2022)?

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Homemade potato salad and a lean beef burger
Tried a new-to-me recipe: Curried Couscous Salad.


My twist: added Pepitas and Green Onions. Also, the only kind of Couscous I could find here in Cowboyville Arizona was Roasted Garlic & Herbs, tasty just on its own really.
I shared with Mr & Mrs Next Door Neighbor, throwing in some Scallops (they just returned from a long road trip and I wanted them to have something ready to go for their supper).
As well for Gal Pal from up the street aways, I added Chicken Breast to her portion, she doesn't care for any sort of seafood. She's still working and I like to give her something now and again to take for her lunch.
To my plate I added Shrimp, MMM!
But I think it needs more stuff in it, maybe I'd double up the vegetables and nuts, or even swap out the Pumpkin seeds for Pistachios.
I'm so happy that my friends are always willing to try a dish with me, DH is not adventurous with his food.
I made a half recipe so that there was no food waste.
No power, and virtually every restaurant in town is closed on Mondays, so we’re at the local daycare cent-…er, “family restaurant” for something to eat:



Paper cartoon menu…noisy screaming kids…18 TVs on…and Lynyrd Skynyrd blaring at full volume. Who says you have to die to go to heaven? :laugh:
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