What did you cook or eat today (May 2022)

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as long as I watch my fluid, salt and pottasium intake
I have to watch my potassium levels very carefully. For some totally unknown reason I'm completely unable to retain potassium. Every operation, I'll go hypokalaemic and even normally I have to eat potassium tablets as though they are smarties! 4 a day every day. It was 9 a day prior to my new hip so things have improved considerably. The only logical explanation is that the osteoarthritis has been causing my body to use excessive amounts... I guess we won't know until my other hip is replaced though. My doctor (who is an emergency doctor as well as a GP) was at first alarmed at the number I get through, but every blood test always comes back as hypokalaemic and now he accepts a blood test every 3 months (instead of every couple of days! ) or me recognising the symptoms, but given I'm asymptomatic until critical (I've been as know as 2.1 normally and not known and have actually recorded figures of 1.7 in intensive care after a routine operation (the anaesthetist decided I didn't know the difference between hypo and hyper!)) my knowing isn't always the best approach to what's actually going on. The irony is that I'm on tablets that are meant to cause hyperkalaemia. Is it hypo or hyperkalaemia you need to keep an eye on? Guessing hypo but...
Greek veggie sandwich


Our Farmers Market supper

View attachment 85307

I decided on going half and half with the fresh Peas in their pods ... half served raw and the other half cut into bite sized pieces, lightly steamed and dressed in my homemade compound butter. SSHHH! Don't tell DH, I put butter on a bunch of things that he loves :giggle:
I heated that lovely love of bread I got and then AF'd two Bacon wrapped, cheese stuffed Chicken breasts to GBD.
THAT was delicious!
DH said that I need to go back to the Farmers Market again, he just hopes that they have those Peas again and I should buy more! Don't know how long they would keep, but we'll see.
Definitely going back for the Bread!
Can you not grow your own??
I have to watch my potassium levels very carefully. For some totally unknown reason I'm completely unable to retain potassium. Every operation, I'll go hypokalaemic and even normally I have to eat potassium tablets as though they are smarties! 4 a day every day. It was 9 a day prior to my new hip so things have improved considerably. The only logical explanation is that the osteoarthritis has been causing my body to use excessive amounts... I guess we won't know until my other hip is replaced though. My doctor (who is an emergency doctor as well as a GP) was at first alarmed at the number I get through, but every blood test always comes back as hypokalaemic and now he accepts a blood test every 3 months (instead of every couple of days! ) or me recognising the symptoms, but given I'm asymptomatic until critical (I've been as know as 2.1 normally and not known and have actually recorded figures of 1.7 in intensive care after a routine operation (the anaesthetist decided I didn't know the difference between hypo and hyper!)) my knowing isn't always the best approach to what's actually going on. The irony is that I'm on tablets that are meant to cause hyperkalaemia. Is it hypo or hyperkalaemia you need to keep an eye on? Guessing hypo but...
That sounds very difficult to deal with! I am glad you're getting good care :hug: it's not that complicated in my case, my medication just subtracts potassium from my body. So I need to eat some extra and take a supplement.
That sounds very difficult to deal with! I am glad you're getting good care :hug: it's not that complicated in my case, my medication just subtracts potassium from my body. So I need to eat some extra and take a supplement.
I'm usually on between 2,400mg and 4,500mg daily! Sadly over the counter supplements don't contain anywhere near enough potassium. Bright side of things poisoning me with potassium will be exceptionally difficult, lol!
I'm usually on between 2,400mg and 4,500mg daily! Sadly over the counter supplements don't contain anywhere near enough potassium. Bright side of things poisoning me with potassium will be exceptionally difficult, lol!
I take 25000 ie of vit D every three weeks because I don't produce enough of it due to my damaged intestine, but your case with the potassium must be really severe because that's a huge amount!

Nowhere near the amount I need, and for me it's only the coming two months that I take a supplement.
I take 25000 ie of vit D every three weeks because I don't produce enough of it due to my damaged intestine, but your case with the potassium must be really severe because that's a huge amount!

Nowhere near the amount I need, and for me it's only the coming two months that I take a supplement.
Yeah, I'm periodically on Vit D as well but that's because I stay out of the sun and usually hide from it... long sleeved t shirt, hat, long trousers etc... all my clothing has a factor 50 protection etc, but that's more to do with my very fair skin, red head as you'll remember from photos and the fact I'm very aware of the issues with lack of ozone over Australia causing massive UV figures.
We fancied something we'd not had for a while, a veganised laksa lemak.

The final image is mixed up on the bowl, as opposed to the one above which is the presentation dish!

Edited to add that it is kind of yellow. This new batch of ground turmeric is particularly orange and staining everything a peculiar colour. I may have to buy some new and see if it is any better.
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