What did you cook or eat today (November 2020)?

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I am not a fan of KFC. I prefer Pop Eyes. Canes's is a regional franchise that specializes in chicken tenders. Really good. There is a small Asian market that serves fried chicken and plate lunches. It is in a sketchy neighborhood. I would never go there after dark - lots of drug activity. Anyway, they make the BEST fried chicken. It is known as Chicken in the Hood.

Oh yeah, my favorite is Popeye's, too. Korean fried chicken is supposed to be very good. I think they use rice flour. The crust is supposed to be very crispy.

Last nights dinner. Bacon, eggs, sausage and beans on toast. Desert pomegranate jewels. My home made from scratch "baked" beans were excellent.
I had a craving for Dark Chocolate Cake. I have said many times that baking is not my forte. I tried. An objective appraisal. The cake tasted good. It was too dry. I had a vision of a very moist, rich chocolate cake. The dark chocolate American Butter Cream was sweeter than I would have liked. Not as much rich dark chocolate flavor that I wanted. Sooo - I have to work on my cake recipe and perhaps try a Swiss Butter Cream. I think I would like to incorporate a raspberry or strawberry coulis in the filling.



I love Dark Chocolate Cake and I am determined to master a recipe. I hate to think about the weight I will gain in the process.:laugh:
I had a craving for Dark Chocolate Cake. I have said many times that baking is not my forte. I tried. An objective appraisal. The cake tasted good. It was too dry. I had a vision of a very moist, rich chocolate cake. The dark chocolate American Butter Cream was sweeter than I would have liked. Not as much rich dark chocolate flavor that I wanted. Sooo - I have to work on my cake recipe and perhaps try a Swiss Butter Cream. I think I would like to incorporate a raspberry or strawberry coulis in the filling.

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I love Dark Chocolate Cake and I am determined to master a recipe. I hate to think about the weight I will gain in the process.:laugh:

You have a bit of insomnia, too? Perhaps a bit too much sugar?

I'm not big on desserts, but that looks great. I'd eat that -- and be up for two days. :laugh:

Kind of crazy but I have only eaten a couple of bites of the slices that George has cut or himself. IDK what is wrong with me. Since I started with the seasonal crud two weeks ago I have had no appetite. I am not even hungry. I have to force myself to eat. I only ate two bites of the Shrimp Puff Pastry I made tonight. That and two bites of cake is all I have eaten today. This has been going on for two weeks. You would think I would lose weight. Not. Nothing appeals to me. Nothing tastes good. Ok - I think I want a hot dog split stuffed with cheese wrapped in a crescent roll.
Kind of crazy but I have only eaten a couple of bites of the slices that George has cut or himself. IDK what is wrong with me. Since I started with the seasonal crud two weeks ago I have had no appetite. I am not even hungry. I have to force myself to eat. I only ate two bites of the Shrimp Puff Pastry I made tonight. That and two bites of cake is all I have eaten today. This has been going on for two weeks. You would think I would lose weight. Not. Nothing appeals to me. Nothing tastes good. Ok - I think I want a hot dog split stuffed with cheese wrapped in a crescent roll.

I've been there many times. When I get the seasonal crud, I find that spicy food appeals to me more. Things like chili with hot peppers. For one thing, it clears my head. The spicy food "sweats" also seems to "cleanse" my system. I don't know if there is ANY science to back that up, but it seems to work.

Kind of crazy but I have only eaten a couple of bites of the slices that George has cut or himself. IDK what is wrong with me. Since I started with the seasonal crud two weeks ago I have had no appetite. I am not even hungry. I have to force myself to eat. I only ate two bites of the Shrimp Puff Pastry I made tonight. That and two bites of cake is all I have eaten today. This has been going on for two weeks. You would think I would lose weight. Not. Nothing appeals to me. Nothing tastes good. Ok - I think I want a hot dog split stuffed with cheese wrapped in a crescent roll.

I hope you feel better soon. One of my late friends lived in LA and she ALWAYS got the crud in the Spring and the Fall. I don't know how you all do it. The first time I visited her was in Summer and felt like I entered he!! as soon as the airport doors opened. LOL I can tolerate the Midwest cold over the South heat any day of the year.
Yesterday we boiled and shelled the shrimp we bought and froze last week. I am going to make shrimp burgers for tonight. In my head this sounds right. Put onion and hake fillets in the food processor and wizz till smooth, add egg and ground almonds an pulse a bit. Drop the shrimps in and pulse to chop and mix a little. Cool then shape. This is a previous boil and peel. Shell fish is very plentiful and cheap, it usually stays this way till the tourist season starts next year.
Here it is my British-style lunch.
Ok it’s not perfect, but I enjoyed it so much!
I’ve used of course an Italian pork sausage since I can’t get the British ones over here
Let me say that I have particularly appreciated the roast potatoes, I’ve followed a recipe on BBCFood website. I’ve used fat lard, absolutely great!
The gravy was nice and not too much liquid, the right thickness - only slightly cappuccino colour 😄
Shame I hadn’t cauliflower or sprouts, I’ll provide next time.



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