What did you eat/cook today (January 2017)?

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Lunchtime snack. Flied clickets with pandan leaves.

fried crickets s.jpg
Would you like hot dogs with your onions sir?

hotdogs jan s.jpg

The original idea was prawns this evening but they only had very tiny shrimps in the market.
Last night's dinner was a salad of oak leaf and French lettuce with cherry tomatoes and onion in a balsamic vinegar dressing with thin slices of roast lamb and some sourdough bread. Followed by tea and a couple of After Eights :D
It's too hot to eat. Even ice cream is defrosting before you can get to a checkout in the supermarket right now.
We are officially in a heart wave and I'm officially waiting for it to get cool enough to consider going to bed. I haven't eaten, just drunk and I'm considering adding drink to that mix, plus the morphine... I may just get some sleep that way.
Its baking day today and I'm making cheese scones and a Victoria sponge. My daughter and grandson are coming to tea. So we won't have a roast lunch today, just a snack to save room for tea and cakes later. Tonight we will probably have something easy like omelettes.
Its baking day today and I'm making cheese scones and a Victoria sponge. My daughter and grandson are coming to tea. So we won't have a roast lunch today, just a snack to save room for tea and cakes later. Tonight we will probably have something easy like omelettes.

What?! No roast?
What?! No roast?
We usually do have roast on Sunday and quite often my daughter and grandson come for lunch. But today they have a football match in the afternoon and so won't get here until after 4. Grandson will have eaten a burger already by then.
We usually do have roast on Sunday and quite often my daughter and grandson come for lunch. But today they have a football match in the afternoon and so won't get here until after 4. Grandson will have eaten a burger already by then.

I must have a roast, at least once a week, and I'd still have my breakfast and lunch plus something else later. But I get plenty of exercise with 30 kg of big, bouncy greyhound to take for a walk, although a friend normally takes him on Sunday with her grey for a couple of hours or so. I take him for a long walk on one other day a week. The rest of the time he's on about 30-40 minutes a day.
I cooked for my dad this weekend, he loves fish and my mum ( who is in hospital) doesn't so I made us some kedgeree !!
A friend took me out for a meal so I had a roasted pumpkin and spinach salad with galvanic vinegar dressing and pine nuts plus a side of chips for lunch. It's too hot to eat yet tonight, hottest day since we arrived so I'm not expecting to eat at all tonight given in currently sitting in a car park waiting for my husband's plane to land. I was rather early unfortunately and we don't have enough fuel to get home (well we do, he just won't get to work in the morning!) so we have to refuel before we can go home. I doubt we will be home before 10pm and I certainly won't eat then!

Sadly I didn't photograph it.

But I have made (or am in the process of making) some raw onion bread. It's in the dehydrator as we speak.
They had decent sized prawns this afternoon in the market so I made a couple of sarnies:

prawn sarnie 1 s.jpg
prawn sarnie 2 s.jpg
prawn sarnie 3 s.jpg

Prawns (pan fried with garlic olive oil and black pepper) in sourdough with green oak, sauce (mayonnaise, tomato puree, a little tabasco and lemon juice), cucumber and tomatoes.
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