What made you smile recently?

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Watching my husband Ray trying his best to make a Carbonara for me last week when I was feeling unwell bless him (I was diagnosed with MS 12 months ago) , the meal was really nice unfortunately it then took me almost two hours the following morning to clean up how on earth could he make such a mess? He must have used every pan that we posses! There was sauce up the splash back, spaghetti in the sink, and something I could not identify stuck to the hob. I love him as dearly as the day I married him however, I do sometimes wish he would stay out of my kitchen!
He panics when cooking, he is so frenetic, hands everywhere, the cooking is always accompanied by bangs, clangs, whistles and the occasional grunt or curse when he cuts his finger or burns himself or the food! The latter is not often thankfully!
My fault I suppose, I have spoiled him. When I met the man he could not boil an egg however, after forty years of watching me anything that he does make is good. It is just that he destroys my kitchen in the process!!

Sarana x

That is my cooking style! I'm still in the learning process of "clean as you go".
I remember starting to cook as a child and being told by my mother that "a good cook always leaves a tidy kitchen".

60 years later and I'm still trying to assimilate that message ..
My husband is 64 and still has not got a clue! By the way I owe you an apology for my outburst yesterday it was uncalled for.

Sarana x
Here are my dirty dishes from making pasta and red sauce. This is very, very minimal for me.

Nothing wrong here! And let us be honest good food makes a mess there is no getting away from that fact; if a person wants a pristine kitchen like a show home then throw something in the microwave however, if they want real food then be prepared for mess and cleaning.

Sarana x
Here are my dirty dishes from making pasta and red sauce. This is very, very minimal for me.

Just to be clear on the dirty dishes, it was more the amount than anything else, and even this wasn't that bad for this meal.

The two plastic steins, I used those to pass the wine back and forth several times to get it good and aerated.

Smaller pan was for the quick red sauce and the larger pan was for the pasta, both the boiling and then the saucing. Both were quite dirty, but the lids cover that.

The rest were just miscellanies - wooden spoon for the sauce, grated for the garlic and the cheese, saucer for a spoon rest, measuring cup to dip out some of the pasta water, etc.
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