Your favourite cooking smell


Über Member
24 Jan 2017
Local time
10:45 AM
What are your favourite cooking smells? The obvious one that a lot of people say is bacon. One aroma I really like is the smell of toast in the morning. There are probably lots of other smells I like too but that was the first to come to mind. Apologies here to @creative - it was her post regarding loss of sense of smell which made me think of starting a new thread.
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Bacon is a good one, but I know a better one :laugh: Our family has a tradition of making a Hungarian coffee cake on Christmas, and the smell of that baking along with some coffee brewing is heaven. The smell of the tree and fire help as well.

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Oh, I live and die by my nose. I think I'm part dog in that sense. I have a million aromas that I like.

Garlic and onions toasting in a litlle evoo.

A pork butt cooking over smoldering hickory and apple wood chips.

A hot cup of cappuccino with just that tiny sprinkle of cocoa on top.

A burger or steak on the grill, and fries, er - sorry, chips down in the fryer.

My wife's neck after a day at the beach (coconut oil, sweat, and the briny sea)

A good, Cuban cigar, or a pipe of aromatic tobacco.

Wait, there are supposed to be just food smells.

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