Your favourite tapas?

16 Oct 2012
Local time
6:30 AM
This post was inspired by this BBC Good Food feature on tapas. When we go out for lunch in Spain, or when I'm entertaining here in the UK or over there, I love a selection of tapas. My own particular favourites are:

albondigas (meatballs)
magre de cerdo (tomato-based pork stew)
Russian salad (made with tuna, potatoes, peas, capers and mayonnaise)
habas con jamon (broad beans cooked with tomato, serrano ham and onions)

Do you like tapas? What are your favourites?
I don't really know tapas enough to have a favourite. But there is a tapas restaurant on the corner of my street, and one day NT and I will treat ourselves to a meal there. Trouble is, we're both accomplished snackers, so I fear we could run up a heck of a bill! Maybe we better share one of their platters, and then go and fill up with chips!
Arch, as you are both so interested in cooking, why not pull some tapas recipes from the internet and make your own? In Spain, eating tapas is very cheap, but here in the UK, the tapas restaurants I've seen are horrendously expensive. I wouldn't darken their doors!
Arch, as you are both so interested in cooking, why not pull some tapas recipes from the internet and make your own? In Spain, eating tapas is very cheap, but here in the UK, the tapas restaurants I've seen are horrendously expensive. I wouldn't darken their doors!

Yeah, I should have a go! I guess some can be made in advance, as they are served cold, so it shouldn't be too traumatic.
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