Your most hated part of cooking

Definitely cleanup although when I cook, I wash and clean up in between. There's always more. Now, complaints about DH. He will ask when I have a pot of chicken broth on the stove, "Do you want me to clean this?" NOOOOOO. Then he will throw stuff out and dump stuff in the sink. He also has a bad habit of using a utensil and throw it in the sink. How many dang knives, forks and spoons are you going to use?????? He will come into the kitchen and get in my way. I have a semi-large kitchen but he still he bumps into me. Uuuuughhh.
He also has a bad habit of using a utensil and throw it in the sink. How many dang knives, forks and spoons are you going to use??????
That's me as well. The glazed carrots and pork chops I made last night...four forks just to make those, among other utensils. :whistling:
Yeah, well you are the gadget guy. We all like to try new toys that appear as if they are going to simplify things for us. Sometimes those commercials and infomercials really make things look fabulous!

And yes, the Oxo is the best!

Try kitchen shears and cut them the same way you would a lobster tail, along the back from the tail to where the head used to be before you pulled/cut it off. Then it's pretty easy to peel the shell off and rinse out the mudvein.

Umm, as a matter of fact, this is my 2nd one. The one that I had first, I replaced it. Nothing wrong, just that the blade got dull after about 12 years of use. Hah!! :whistling:
the thing I hate the most is having other people in the kitchen with me. The people in the kitchen aren't there to help...if they were, I'd be happy to have them. Instead, they're there to do stare aimlessly into the refrigerator to decide which thing they want to eat. Or, sometimes, my son decides it's time to feed the dogs, and he needs some counter space to get their food ready.

Having lived with two adult kids and their boyfriends and girlfriends (staying here full time), I totally empathise. You need rules! I ended up being totally ruthless about rules. I once came in to find my son's latest girlfriend sitting on the kitchen counter talking loudly and swinging her legs. Bear in mind I have a tiny galley kitchen. I went ballistic.
My best friend has a huge yard, and a riding mower. He has a beer cooler mounted on it. Hint, hint Tasty. :wink:

I've actually tried that, but my yard is way to bumpy for that. Beer (or any other beverage) goes everywhere except in me.

I don't think the boss would allow that!
Hey, it would probably get her to mow the grass! :laugh:
I just got the rest of everything as far as Holiday Decor up yesterday. Outdoor lights, tree (only a 3.5 foot one this year), the Village on the mantle. The cards are still up and I usually leave them until February. But the tree is outdoors waiting for the ice to melt enough that I don't kill myself tossing it into the woods. I'm saving my outdoor ventures for trips to feed and water chickens, much more important, I think.

I thought I edited this shortly after posting, to note that the cards stay up until February. I like that human connection! Evidently I forgot to hit SUBMIT.

Poor old kitty. Thats about 100 in human years? I'd definitely give someone leeway for age. Hubby's 53, he doesn't get leeway lol.
Yes, she gets a lot of leeway now. I feed her anytime she asks. (Well, not when I am sleeping.)
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