Do you eat tinned (canned) food?

Which of the following tinned (canned) foods do you use?

  • Vegetables (including corn but not tomatoes)

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Beans and pulses

    Votes: 12 85.7%
  • Fruit

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Meat

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • Fish/shellfish

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • Pasta

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Tomatoes

    Votes: 13 92.9%
  • Pies

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Puddings

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Soup

    Votes: 10 71.4%

  • Total voters

Here's the cabinet where I store all the canned goods. Not much, but I mainly keep on hand, stuff that I use from time to time. :wink:

Enough stuff to open a small grocery store!! Hah!! :wink:
Actually when we lived about 7 miles from the nearest grocery store, the neighbors would on occasion buy groceries from me. They always paid retail.
Let's use the green beans as an example. You see I have a case. When I got them on sale, they were .50 a can or less. I think they were cheaper than that. If I was to buy by the week I would pay .67 cents a can.
So over the course of 6 months, I have saved $4.08 or more.
On the cream of mushroom soup, it retails for 78 cents a can. I paid 14 cents a can.
Cranberry sauce is $1 a can. I paid less than 25 cents. $18 savings there.
None was even close to expiring.
Since I bought 36 cans of the mushroom soup which I use on a regular basis, I saved $23.06
Oh and the peas and corns are the same way. So there is another $12 in savings.
So, the cans of food that I usually have in the cupboard are :
  • Vegetables. Marrowfat peas (for Mr K)
  • Beans and pulses. Heinz baked beans. Kidney beans. One tin of mixed beans (standby for an emergency salad!)
  • Fruit. Pears. Pineapple. (in juice). Used as a base for fruit salad.
  • Meat. Corned beef. As a standby for sandwiches or a salad.
  • Fish. Tuna. (standby for egg and tuna sandwiches or to mix with pasta) Sardines in tomato sauce. (standby for sardines on toast).
  • Pasta. No. I don't like the texture of tinned pasta, tastes overcooked.
  • Tomatoes. Chopped tomatoes, used regularly. Bought in mutipacks.
  • Pies. No. There's nothing pleasant about a tinned pie.
  • Puddings. I have occasionally bought a tinned steamed pudding in the past.
  • Soup. As a standby. Chicken or Scotch broth.
Heinz and Campbell's.

Yes, the Campbell's soup is American and sold at the majority of supermarkets here. The Heinz beans, although an American company, are imported from UK (hence the colour of the label). Ye Old Oak hotdogs are British as is the Branston ravioli. D'Arcy peas are French. Brooks tomatoes, albeit an Australian brand, are a product of Thailand. Mica (tomato puree and mushrooms) is a Thai company, I believe.
Hummm, I must be odd.

I only have tinned beans and pulses, plus crushed or diced tomatoes, and 1 tin of Heinz baked beans.

I do have a variety of beans in tins, but have only found the one variety of lentils, so they get cooked from scratch out of necessity.

I prefer dried pulses but have been lazy of late due to temperature issues and not wishing to cook unnecessarily.

Sweetcorn or peas are fresh or frozen. Can't think of when I lost used anything else out of a tin.
I tend to agree with that. However, fresh are still preferable wherever feasible.
I tend to agree - but tinned potatoes are a thing unto themselves. And I love them. I love all potatoes though (except sweet potato).
Marrowfat peas cannot be obtained fresh as they are by definition dried peas.
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