
Hello from Maidstone, Kent, UK and welcome to CookingBites :welcome:. I hope you enjoy being part of our friendly international community of cooks. Feel free to ask questions - but also join in with other threads if you can. We have a few regular threads such as The CookingBites recipe challenge (current chosen ingredient quinoa) , What did you cook today (April 2021)?, Today's Bread etc.

What type of food do you like to cook?
It is Joisey, and half the people there work in NY. My cousin used to until he made a fatal mistake on the motorcycle. Damn he had a good pizza place, it was a bar called Dante's.

But yeah, he was happy to take the ride instead of paying parking - on a motorcycle - in NY.

I got a joke about NY if anyone is interested and a Joiseyite may relate well...

Guy walks into a bank and puts up his Mazerati as collateral for a ten grand loan. They take it of course, ;the car is worth at least twenty times that.

He gets back and shows up, pay off the loan plus interest which was for a month only like 1.8%, The guy at the bank said "While you were away we checked you out and you are a millionaire and had no need for a loan, why did you do it ? He relied "Where else can I park an expensive car in NY and expect it to be there in a month for $180 ?.

Anyway, welcome, bring on your weirdest, we are ready.

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