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My name is Nessa. I am interested in food recipes and tips and tricks for cooking. So I will be watching and participating :) Nice to meet you all.
Hi :) Im Elen and so far im enjoying this site :thumbsup::okay::okay: :happy: I also studied here
Hi Elen

Welcome to CookingBites. What type of cuisine and level of cooking are you at? Do you have any favourite foods?
The link puts you at an ICT academy in the Philippines, so I guess you must know a few Filipino recipes that you can share with us here? We have an ingredient recipe challenge going on at the moment which is onions over at this link here. The next challenge finishes this Saturday, so do you have any dishes that feature onions heavily that you could add to our collection and enter in to the challenge?


Good morning.

As you will no doubt have guessed, I was born in the wonderful county of Yorkshire in the north of England. However, I have lived and worked in South East Asia for the last 22 years and currently now live a sedentary life of a retiree in Isaan, North East Thailand.

I enjoy cooking but know my limitations therefore tend to concentrate on dishes with which I feel comfortable and which are at least edible. Generally Thai, Chinese, Indian, Mexican and good old British stodge.
Hi @Yorky

Welcome to CookingBites. :welcome:

My OH is from the Lancashire border area (Oldham ish) and well I just settle for the North West of England or Scotland. However, in May this year we moved to Australia's Capital and about 6 weeks later out of it! (thankfully - I'm not a city person) so now live about an hour outside of the capital in rural NSW.

Yorkshire Pudding, Rhubarb crumble and various other dishes such as chip butties (minus the butter, I'm allergic to dairy sadly - anaphylactic shock!) are on the list of favourites here. In fact, we have rhubarb crumble for our evening meal tonight (nothing else, it counts as a meal in its own right here!)

One of my first posts and I appear to have posted "against the rules". I copied the ingredients for a recipe from my own site which carried with it hyperlinks to images of some of the ingredients. Although it is not clear where I have erred, I shall endeavour to clear any links which may be carried over when posting similar recipes in the future.
Hi all, have changed from a full time job to a part time one. This means I now have the time to cook instead of chucking some ready made meal rubbish in the microwave. This also means I can get some time in the garden to finally make a veg patch and kitchen herb garden!
Good morning.

As you will no doubt have guessed, I was born in the wonderful county of Yorkshire in the north of England. However, I have lived and worked in South East Asia for the last 22 years and currently now live a sedentary life of a retiree in Isaan, North East Thailand.

I enjoy cooking but know my limitations therefore tend to concentrate on dishes with which I feel comfortable and which are at least edible. Generally Thai, Chinese, Indian, Mexican and good old British stodge.
Welcome! :welcome::happy:
Hi all, have changed from a full time job to a part time one. This means I now have the time to cook instead of chucking some ready made meal rubbish in the microwave. This also means I can get some time in the garden to finally make a veg patch and kitchen herb garden!
Hi and welcome to CookingBites. :welcome:
I'm just on the process of setting up my herb plot and veg plot in Australia, but both the weather and the seasons are conspiring to plot against me and time is running out very quickly... Whereabouts are you?

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