What did you cook/eat today (December 2017)?

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Wise lady. I admit I do buy the packet mixes during the year but I should really get in the habit of freezing the last slice or two of a loaf for sauce/stuffing
The packet mixes are quite good really. I use them and add a good grate of nutmeg and a fresh bay leaf (crushed a bit). I made mine today using almond milk to to accommodate vegan son - you wouldn't notice the difference and less calories.
@morning glory Unfortunately I am unable to eat dairy (the Christmas pud and mince pies were dairy free - as well as gluten free for my husband). I doubt I could have squeezed cheese in. We did have a long leisurely lunch though. My parents, husband and father in law all managed some cheese with the help of a little red wine. ☺
@morning glory I don' find I can taste the difference with bread sauce being vegan and gluten free but the stuffing mixes are not so good (texture is not right) . I used to find oatmilk was better for cooking esp. savoury food, and porridge (but can't use that now due to gluten contamination of oats).
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@morning glory I don' find I can taste the difference with bread sauce being vegan and gluten free but the stuffing mixes are not so good. I used to find oatmilk was better for cooking esp. savoury food, and porridge (but can't use that now due to gluten contamination of oats).

...and I thought cooking vegan was difficult! I hand it to you to have pleased everyone with that meal. :)
It isn't pleasing everyone, it is a case of not poisoning anyone! We both have allergies.
I know - I was just realising how well you had done to adapt Christmas dinner to 'suit' everyone. That is probably a better word than 'please'. I copped out and bought a Tofurkey roast (yes!) for son and daughter and a turkey crown for me and partner. Son and daughter said 'can you cook something else next year?'. I can't blame them. It was chewy and tasted like slightly spiced cardboard. :ohmy::giggle:

The turkey was good.
I find most meat replacements like quorn, sietan, etc. pretty awful. There have been some nice-looking recipes for stuffed butternut squash in food magazines this year. And have you tried pulled jackfruit? Probably not a Christmas lunch type food but a great vegan dish.
I find most meat replacements like quorn, sietan, etc. pretty awful. There have been some nice-looking recipes for stuffed butternut squash in food magazines this year. And have you tried pulled jackfruit? Probably not a Christmas lunch type food but a great vegan dish.

I intend to try jackfruit and have a tin to hand. I rather like tofu - but not as a meat substitute. Butternut squash - yes but I'm not a big fan TBH. Its a bit too sweet for my taste but I use it quite often, offset with sour tastes such as pomegranate molasses. We are veering off topic... I will start a new thread, perhaps.
A little left over chili with bread for a lunchtime snack.

chili garlic bread 2 s.jpg
it is one of the best bits of a traditional English Christmas dinner. Love it. I would happily eat homemade bread sauce and stuffing for Christmas lunch.

Stick cloves in an onion so it looks like a sea mine! Add that to a saucepan of milk (or vegan alternative!) And add a bayleaf and some peppercorns. Warm the milk so it gets the flavour of the onion etc. Add white breadcrumbs and simmer and stir until you get a thickish sauce. Serve with roast chicken/turkey. Yum :)

Many thanks @Herbie! Glad you have shared this English recipe, very interesting...as soon as I come back home I'll give it a try..:)
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