apple butter

  1. GadgetGuy

    Who Likes Apple Butter?!!

    Does anyone like apple butter? I've ordered some apple butter in THESE small disposable containers - 200 to a box. You use one & you're done with it. No waste, no dried up apple butter left in a jar to get molded & have to throw away!! Once you're done with one, you discard the empty container &...
  2. Omelette, Bacon, O'Brien Hash Browns and Apple Pecan Butter Toast with a Banana

    Omelette, Bacon, O'Brien Hash Browns and Apple Pecan Butter Toast with a Banana

    Omelette, Bacon, O'Brien Hash Browns and Apple Pecan Butter Toast with a Banana
  3. Pecan Apple Butter

    Pecan Apple Butter

    Pecan Apple Butter
  4. flyinglentris

    Apple Butter

    During a phone chat with my one year older brother for Christmas/New Years, apple butter was mentioned. And do you know, I have not had it in ages? It's easy to make and it's on my list of things to churn out a recipe for.
  5. Herbie

    Apple butter

    Has anyone made apple butter? I'm trying to think up ideas to preserve apples from my tree. We have a bumper crop this year so I've given away a few bagfulls and have made various pickles, mustards and chutneys. Mum and I chopped a huge load last night for the freezer to keep us in pies and...
  6. Porridge with apple butter

    Porridge with apple butter

    Porridge with the last of the apple butter
  7. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Apple Butter

    I was given some apples by my mother who had been given them by a friend.... they were a variety of unknown eaters from her garden and I was at a loss as to what to do with them when @Berties mentioned Apple Butter. Now I have had a jar of apple butter in the past, and loved it and suddenly it...
  8. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Apple Butter

    I got given a jar of something called Apple Butter a while back and was a touch dubious about it. I thanked the person concerned and put it in the kitchen cupboard and left it there. This is not like me but I have to confess I could not get my head around the concept. How can something even be...
  9. monical

    Recipe Easiest, Yummiest Apple Butter in the Crock

    We make this, can it in mason jars and give as Christmas gifts. Always a hit! Easiest, Yummiest Apple Butter in the Crock This yields about 6 1/2 pint jars 2 cups white sugar 1/4 teaspoon ground clove 2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon salt 5.5 lbs. granny smith apples 1/4 cup lemon juice...
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