en papillote/al cartoccio

  1. flyinglentris

    En Papillote Cooking

    I have not seen en papillote cooking discussed and I am given cause to wonder what one might cook in a closed pouch and how the method of heating the pouch may vary. I looked up the raw definition of en papillote and it is defined as cooking something wrapped in paper. That's not a pouch...
  2. Morning Glory

    Recipe Turkey or Chicken Breast with Cranberries & Saffron

    In Persian cooking, barberries which have a sharp taste, similar to cranberries are often paired with saffron, particularly in chicken and rice dishes. So, for a festive alternative I thought using cranberries might work well with turkey and saffron. If you don’t like turkey you could substitute...
  3. Morning Glory

    Recipe Buttermilk Chicken with Honey & Saffron

    This is an easy recipe and totally delicious. My favourite way to cook chicken breasts and keep them moist is ‘en papillote’. You really can’t go wrong here with this straightforward recipe. The honey adds a lovely sweet taste which is not overpowering and compliments the mineral, earthy taste...
  4. Morning Glory

    Recipe Chicken Fillets with Cumin & Lime Leaves

    This ‘en papillote’ recipe is very easy to make. The marinade ensures the chicken is super tender and succulent. The surprising and delicious effect here is the combination of earthy cumin and perfumed lime leaves, A harmonious combination of low notes and high notes. Its worth noting that this...
  5. Morning Glory

    Recipe Paprika and Papaya Chicken

    Spicy and sweet, this ‘en papillote’ recipe is simple to make. Using the papaya seeds is optional but they do add visual impact and have an unexpected hot taste, similar to horseradish. I used super-hot unsmoked Hungarian paprika here, which is why I only used 2 tsp. If you use a milder paprika...
  6. Morning Glory

    Recipe Mango Mustard Glazed Chicken Breasts

    I love cooking chicken breasts ‘en papillote'. They stay so tender and it’s a super quick and easy method. Here, the mango mustard provides a fruity, hot dimension and the garlic, ginger and cinnamon add musky depth. If you can’t be bothered (sorry, I mean don’t have time) to make the mango...
  7. Morning Glory

    Recipe Chicken Breast en Papillote with Saffron & Tarragon

    Cooking 'en papillote' is so easy and virtually foolproof. Its the perfect way to cook chicken breast so that it stays moist. Using a culinary blow torch (every kitchen needs one) adds a beautiful charred flavour and improves the appearance of the finished dish. Ingredients (per person, for...
  8. TodayInTheKitchen

    Recipe Parsley Cod en Papillote

    Parsley Cod en Papillote Parsley is an excellent ingredient challenge because it can be used in such a wide range of recipes across nearly every cuisine. Thanks goes to @MypinchofItaly for choosing Parsley. So I tried to focus this recipe around using parsley alone as the featured seasoning...
  9. Morning Glory

    Recipe Chicken with Saffron, Ginger and Rosewater

    A recipe partly inspired by Persian dishes which use rosewater paired with saffron in sweet dishes but also by 'The First American Cookbook’ written in 1796, which uses rosewater in many savoury dishes. Less is more here so you need to measure the rosewater and saffron carefully for a delicate...
  10. TodayInTheKitchen

    Recipe Saffron Lemon Garlic Cod en Papillote

    I skipped more traditional Easter dinner recipes this year and made Saffron Lemon Garlic Cod en Papillote. My dinner guests were pleased with my choice. Dinner was served with light french rolls, spinach & feta salad, and a good bottle of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. Dinner scored a big A+...
  11. Morning Glory

    Recipe Tequila Lime Chicken with Grapes 'en Papillote'

    This is a light and lovely dish. The grapes and kiwi fruit add zing and dimension to the classic Tequila lime marinade for chicken. Its very easy to make indeed! I served it with sliced avocado and rice and used a blowtorch to char the chicken and chilli. Instead of cooking 'en papillote' you...
  12. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Tiebreaker for The CookingBites Prize Challenge: 'En Papillote'

    The poll had closed with 3 clear winners in the CookingBites 'En Papillote' Prize Challenge. Chicken breasts on spinach, mushroom bed, en papillote (7 votes) Chicken En Papillote with Soy Sauce, Chilli and Mushrooms (7 votes) En Papillote Dill and Lemon Salmon (5 votes) Congratulations go to...
  13. Morning Glory

    Recipe Chicken En Papillote with Soy Sauce, Chilli and Mushrooms

    This is a super ‘low-fat’ and low calorie dish cooked without any oil. Its also super easy to make. If you want you could add oil to the papillote or you can add a drizzle of sesame oil before serving. Minus the oil the dish is under 250 kcal. Ingredients (per serving) 1 skinless chicken...
  14. The Late Night Gourmet

    Recipe Lotus Root Crab Bake

    I feel embarrassed to call what I did here "en papillote". But, it technically is, since I did seal it and bake it. The path to what you see above starts here: This is what I picked up (among other things) when I went to a fantastic Asian grocery store recently. Is it possible to...
  15. Morning Glory

    Recipe Cabbage Wedge Stuffed with Juniper Butter 'en Papillote'

    This is a lesson in how to make healthy cabbage ‘unhealthy’ but delicious. Cooked ‘en papillote’ the green outer leaves of the cabbage stay green and flavours are intensified. The caramelised cut edges provide umami flavour and juniper adds a hint of pine forest. Serve on its own with some...
  16. Morning Glory

    Retro Recipe Cherry Cakes 'en papillote'

    From the Paper-Bag Cookery by Vera Countess Serkoff (1911). Its on-line here: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/41406/41406-h/41406-h.htm I am not sure how these cakes are supposed to be but they are more like a shortbread than a cake - buttery, crumbly and delicious. I found they took more like...
  17. medtran49

    Recipe Lemon ginger shrimp en papillote

    Makes 2 servings I divided ours up differently than instructions because Craig eats more than I do, so it was like a 60/40 division instead of 50/50. Next time, I would also probably add 1 to 1-/2 tsp, maybe even 2 of finely chopped garlic (not microplaned though). I might even replace the...
  18. epicuric

    Recipe Salmon, leek and mascarpone en papillote

    Salmon, leeks and mascarpone en papillot. Ingredients (to serve 2) 2 salmon fillets (the thicker, the better) 1 medium leek, sliced thinly 1 pat of butter for frying 100g mascarpone cheese 2 tsp Dijon mustard 4 tsp non-pareil capers Zest and juice of 1 lemon Method Gently fry off the leeks...
  19. detroitdad

    Recipe En Papillote Dill and Lemon Salmon

    A very simply dish that is full of flavor. The only thing I picked up at the store was the salmon. The rest of the ingredients were what I had available. Ingredients: Salmon Zucchini Green Onions Lemon Fresh Dill Salt Pepper Oil Spray 1. Spray the foil 2. Apply a layer of thick cut zukes and...
  20. medtran49

    Recipe Fish en Papillote with blackberry sauce

    Two white fish fillets, such as halibut or the thick part of a cod fillet, about 1-1/2 to 2 inches thick 1/2 cup very thinly sliced fresh fennel 1/2 cup very thinly sliced sweet onion 1/2 to 1 tsp fresh fennel fronds 1/4 fresh lemon 2 Tbsp melted butter salt and pepper Parchment paper Sauce 3/4...
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